10% of Twilight Profits Going To The Mormon Church?

Discussion in 'Current Events, World News, & LGBT News' started by littledinosaurs, Nov 26, 2009.

  1. Emberstone

    Full Member

    May 26, 2008
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    Oregon, USA
    I am more offended that the mormon church is allowing itself to be funded by a pro-pedophillia, pro-stalking, pro-misogynic, pro-vanity, pro-shallowness series like twilight.
  2. ArcaneVerse

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    Sep 19, 2008
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    Well yes they would be the other points I didn't mention. but you can also find some good things that reflect the churches teachings. Like the imprinting is very much like the churches belief of true love and being bound eternally to the one you love. the whole no sex before marriage thing. the strong family bonds the extend beyond race, species & death and that no matter what the problem is they all come together to try and fix it.
    I'm sure there could be others but I cant think of them atm but my point is there are always many sides to things. be open to them all.

    Would you not take millions of dollars from lets say a rapist if he offered it to you? so you could then do something of good with it? I mean accepting the money doesn't mean you support his actions, refusing it doesn't change what he did but it does stop you from doing something good with it.
  3. RaeofLite

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    Apr 7, 2009
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    I mentioned this to a friend, and this is what he said:
    What would wimpy Edward do if he knew his savings were going to a church? Whine and ask them to be put towards a vampire blood bank.
    What would Harry Potter do if he knew his Gringotts savings were going to a church? Blow that mutha F***in house down--- beach. :slight_smile:
  4. Emberstone

    Full Member

    May 26, 2008
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    Oregon, USA
    Damn twilight. I was on yahoo, and a local news headline was "oregon ranches weary of wolf pack" and the first thing that pops into my head is taylor lautner and his pack members in new moon walking around with no shirts on.

    I still find imprinting wrong, mainly because it is onesided, and based to some extent on the idea of a male dominating and overriding the free-will of a female. You only ever hear about, if i remeber correctly, males imprinting, and only on children who are hours old to four years old. The idea of these grown men taking a interest in and choosng a infant/toddler as a soul mate repulses me so... friggan... much!

    So the mormon church is taking money from the sale of something inherienty immoral, and useing it to abuse people for something they claim, but have yet to prove is immoral...

    ... seems hypocritical.

    There is still a part of me who thinks this still strays into the realms of rumor, since I havent found anything else on it.
  5. ArcaneVerse

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    Sep 19, 2008
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    Melbourne, Australia
    Yes imprinting is wrong I agreed with you on that (I also agree that there is a lot more that is so wrong too). doesn't mean the whole book is bad, tell me one thing is this world that isn't corrupted in some way? you cant its impossible. you can always find negatives in all things, the hard part is to find the bright spark in the darkness.

    Imprinting only happened on little kids twice, the rest where within a healthy age range. yes I could see how you would think that its only about male dominace (it is a big part of the book) but the imprinting is felt by both the male and female or else she could just leave. its only focused on the guys because they are all wolves and therefore main characters, the only female wolf cant imprint because shes too obsessed with sam.

    The mormon church takes money from its people who voluntarily hand it over (possible brainwashing aside). and its only immoral from your viewpoint, which your intitled to.
    they use it to fund a lot of things that you clearly haven't taken the time to look into.
    Your complaining that they are against what I assume is homosexuality? Fair enough, but your against them for being against you, your no better. you have yet to prove that homosexuality is moral. You choose to see it the way you want to see it as do they.
    You have logic biased by your perspective, they have logic biased by their perspective\faith. hypocrisy is everywhere, its unavoidable.

    It's easy to hate, much harder to love. I hate the church for similar reasons you do but I can also see a lot of good they do as well. plus a lot of in between.

    rumour that shes giving 10% to the church? depends how much of a mormon she is, if she is a good little mormon girl she WILL be paying 10% of anything she earns to the church as tithing. I covered this already.
  6. Emberstone

    Full Member

    May 26, 2008
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    Oregon, USA
    Well, they still push that it is a medical illness, but science has been proving that is wrong for decades now, with more research backing up and supporting the fact that it is not a choice, but a natural part of who someone is.

    They can hate me all they want, and view me as some horrible person trying to kidnap and corrupt children and turn them to what they view as a alternative lifestyle. But they inject themselves where they dont belong, which is forcing political initiatives to keep me a second class citizen so they can continue to abuse a minority.

    We wouldnt even need the word minority in such a context if religious groups would keep out of politics, and people would learn the most profound truth of all... we are all human. It would go a long way for once in the history of this country that we would live up to 'we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal.' I am not spending my money to destroy their equal rights... how is it hypocritical of me to think it is wrong for them to spend millions of dollars fighting to keep people subjucated as second class citizens, simply to promote their deeply rooted hatefilled views about race, gender, and sexual orientation?

    I grew up with many mormon friends, and they are good people... but the church institution itself is inherenty destructive and evil.
  7. ArcaneVerse

    Full Member

    Sep 19, 2008
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    Well the church actually changes its stance like weekly on what they believe about homosexuality. None of which is very kind to the homosexual community.

    Look I don't even know why we are arguing I hate the church and cant stand most of the members I know. which probably makes me a big ass hypocrite. Its most likely because ive been too stubborn and in a bad mood to give up.

    All im really trying to point out is that there are shades of grey, two sides to every story and some good in just about all things. That the church does great things for community's world wide. Does a lot of charity work. And not all there teachings are bad for everyone. and maybe you should look more into it before you condemn them as they condemn you.

    I believe i said you were not any better for judging them because they judge you. Look i dont know what the church leaders are doing behind closed doors, if they are doing deals to get peoples rights denied. I certainly wouldn't put it past them. but I think a separation of church and state or what ever its called is an unrealistic goal to some extent. people will always be influenced by their own beliefs when it comes to running a country\state and all that that entails.

    Is it right that the church may use its huge amount of power, money and what ever other resource it has to push its own agenda? Is it right for activists to use what little they have to push their own agenda? to protest and march, which is borderline intimidation? (this on all sides). It all depends on your definition of what's right, it all comes back to personal perspectives.

    Your going to push what you believe in any way you can as will the other side.

    Also religious people aren't the only kind of people denying others or wishing they could deny others there rights.
  8. AlmightyFluffy

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    Aug 8, 2007
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    Marysville, Washington
    I know a lot of mormons. They're not all a bunch of hate pumping rights-snatching goblins out to spread hate. The fact that some of them supported prop-8 does not mean all of them are bad people. I actually think that her donating 10% of her profits to her church is a pretty nice thing to do.
  9. Emberstone

    Full Member

    May 26, 2008
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    Oregon, USA
    It is more how the church as a coorporate institution runs itself.

    maybe it is because all my mormon friends are oregonians, and have liberal leaning beliefs, but most were offended by the church getting involved in prop 8.

    Churches in general need to for once need to get their fat asses out of politics where they dont belong.

    you go the catholic church telling homeless people, orphans, and sick people in D.C. to go fuck themselves and die, because they refuse to help them because gay people in commited relationships want to get married.

    you got fundie pastors of mega churches being members of a secretive fundementalist chirstian group who is pushing for state sanctioned murder of gay people/familie members of gay people...

    religion needs to get the hell out of politics. history shows whenever it imposes itself, people suffer, and often, die.
  10. littledinosaurs

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    Sep 17, 2008
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    I just wanna say that nobody here has yet provided proof to me whether she actually is giving them the 10% or not.

    (Just Saying)
  11. Kevin42

    Kevin42 Guest

    The Church responded that, "“It is our concern that the committee’s narrowing of the religious exemption language will cause the government to discontinue our long partnership with them and open up the agency to litigation and the use of resources to defend our religious beliefs rather than serve the poor." The church is not threatenting anyone in this case. You cannot expect the Church to allow the government to bully it into disregarding one of it's core principles with this bill.

    Furthermore, the Catholic Church has done more to help the poor and the sick than probably almost any other organization. If you think the Catholic Church will ever stop helping the poor, you are terribly ignorant. They may however be pushed out of helping with government assistance. Two totally different things.
  12. Emberstone

    Full Member

    May 26, 2008
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    Oregon, USA
    Well, the church did say they will stop helping.

    the problem was the church is angry that D.C. is going to acknowledge and recognize gay marriages, so the said that they would stop useing the 8.5million bucks the district gives them for community outreach i protest.

    the D.C. legally recognizing gay marriages does not infringe upon the ability of the church to help the sick, orphans, and homeless in the D.C. area. The Church is trying to impose their views onto the law and politics by stopping charitable work. Technically, they are suposed to keep their views out of politics because of seperation of church in state.

    The goverment is not meant to be a arm of and serve a religious orginization. The church is not suposed to inject theselves into the running and choices of goverment.

    If anything, it is the church abusing goverment. The Bill in question is about gay marriage. The church is against it then *did* threaten to halt all charity causes in the D.C. area in protest. This has been all over the news for weeks, including here at EC.

    The church doesnt want D.C. to recognize gay marriages, and it said if the Council continues to work towards recognizing gay marriages, they will halt their social charitable projects in D.C.

    This is not a matter of the goverment taking away their religious beliefs... this is a matter of the catholic governing body in D.C. making threats because D.C. is working to protect equality, and the civil liberties of all.

    That is like saying that because some chirstians dont believe in wearing red, because they believe it is the color of christ, that because the goverment has not outlawed the color red in clothing, it is infringing upon their rights.

    They have the right to believe what they wish... but they did threaten to stop their outreach in D.C. if the cities council approved the recognition of gay marriage.

    Like Prop 8, it is a religious organization flouting the seperation of church and state *a two way street*, and forcing their way into using their belief to dictate the rights of other.

    also, I didnt say they were going to stop worldwide outreach. This was in D.C.

    They said they would halt work in D.C. if the council approves recognition of gay marriage. I was not being ignorant in any way.
    #32 Emberstone, Dec 1, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2009
  13. RaeofLite

    Full Member

    Apr 7, 2009
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    BC, Canada
    Church and state have no place mixing in each other. Unless say the church is doing illegal things such as satanic cults and raping/abusing young children...

    It's the 21st century. It's about time. I hope it's sorted out better in the next 5 years at least..
  14. Emberstone

    Full Member

    May 26, 2008
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    Thats the thing. As long as your belief does not infringe upon the safety of others *if your belief has you victimising a person and putting them in serious/mortal harm, it is not protected if you act upon it*, you are fine.

    It was like the fundie christian, aryan nation group who killed a jewish radio host a few decades back. They did so out of their religious beliefs, but unlike the church christ nazarine aryan, because they acted upon their beliefs and killed a man, their beliefs were not protected. The Aryan nation is protected as long as they do not act upon their beliefs, as they do front themselves as a church.

    Not to compare the catholics or mormons. But what we are seeing, is churches using their money to force through laws that infringe upon the rights of others.

    The catholic church in D.C. threatened to stop social outreach because the districts goverment decided to push for recognition within D.C. of gay marriages. Te legislation was in no way directed towards any church, but the catholic church made threats because they are against civil and equal rights for the LGBT community.
  15. AlmightyFluffy

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    Aug 8, 2007
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    Again, not every single mormon is donating their money SPECIFICALLY to fight gay rights. And not all of them hate gays. Just because the church itself supported prop 8 doesn't mean everyone inside the church did. I know enough mormons to say that they actually are, in fact human beings capable of their own opinions and thoughts, they aren't a hive-mind who all share the same vicious agenda to annihilate rainbows.