Hooray life!

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by ChokiE, Nov 16, 2009.

  1. ChokiE

    Full Member

    Feb 25, 2009
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    Kenosha, WI
    Hooray sarcasm. I am feeling so horribly spiteful right now. The stupid guy I liked pulled the stupidest fucking shit I have ever born witness to, and now I am back into my depression and anger.

    Yesterday he invites me to his house so I'm like "Okay yeah cool." So I get there and his mother answers the door, she always just says "Hi" and then ignores me and doesn't bother telling her son that I have arrived. So I walk back to his room and I hear him and his stupid-ass little friend talking. The conversation basically went something like:
    His friend: "I think that creepy guy likes you"
    Him: "Yeah I know, he keeps flirting with me."
    His friend: "He's such a loser."
    Him: "I know, right?"

    Not word for word but that was the gist of it. They basically sat there for five minutes mocking me and laughing. Then the guy I liked said something about me being a crack-baby, referring to the fact that my parents are drug addicts, a fact that I asked him not to tell anyone. So at that point I got pissed and turned around to walk away, I figured he had planned on this so he wouldn't have to tell me to my face that he thought I was a freaky-ass-crack-baby. I bumped the door frame with my boot to make sure he knew that I had been there. So he runs out and pulls the whole "I'm sooooo saaaaawry I didn't know you were there I didn't mean it please don't be mad at me" thing and I just shrugged him off and left.

    So yeah, I don't know what part of me is creepy, but I was seriously in love with that worthless little prick and yet again I got rejected. I have no fucking clue what part of me is creepy, I guess the only way to be normal is to be a fucking polo-wearing American Eagle bastard child. Fuck everything.
  2. Pepsi

    Pepsi Guest

    He's an asshole! Seriously don't get so upset about a jerk like that. He's the one who isn't normal. Normal people don't treat people like shit. The only way you could be anything but normal was if you were anything but who you are. Don't feel like you have to be different then who you are to be normal. Normal is whatever you want to define it as. You can do so much better then being with a guy that's such an asshole like that.
  3. olides84

    Full Member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    Yeah I agree with Ryan, but let me offer another opinion. He is immature, lacks confidence, and just goes along with what his other friend says. I'd say give him another chance, and tell him everything he said that hurt you. The only way he can start redeeming himself is if he grovels at your feet. And while I know you've been trying to change your life around, certainly don't apologize for the shit you went through in the past, and certainly don't change into something you're not.
  4. SpinachWrap

    Regular Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    Silver lining: You don't have to waste your time with this guy, and can move on the next one. It would have been worse if you had put a lot more time and energy into this guy, only to find out much later that he was an ass.

    Other Possibility: People sometimes say things in front of their friends, they don't mean. It's not out of the question that he likes you, but didn't want to admit it in front of his friend. Even if this is true, he still might not be worth your time. But a conversation with plenty of honestt and awkwardness might be order.

    Bottom Line: He was being an ass. You have no reason to feel down on yourself.
  5. Dare2bProud

    Full Member

    Mar 27, 2009
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    I agree with Olides84 ... the guy you like is a follower and not a leader, however, talk to him (let him call or txt you first) and don't just ignore him. Let him know how you feel!
  6. ChokiE

    Full Member

    Feb 25, 2009
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    Kenosha, WI
    Thanks for the support guys. I would be able to just say "Okay whatever" and move on if this wasn't the first time it had happened. It's a constant thing, I really like a guy and the guy always thinks I'm strange in some way. I really do not know what I do that is so freaky, I look pretty average. Not a whole bunch of black in my wardrobe, no makeup or anything, no chains/spikes/etc., I'm not walking around looking like Marilyn Manson or anything so I don't know what it is that makes me freaky or abnormal. I want to change myself but I don't even know what I have to change.
  7. SpinachWrap

    Regular Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    Is it always straight guys that you fall for? Because that might be what is so strange to them. They see someone that has different rules for attraction, and it confuses them. Then they see that you might be attracted to them, and it scares them. What I'm saying is that thing that makes you seem abnormal might just be your orientation, which isn't really all that abnormal.

    The important thing to remember is that there is someone out there for you. Someone who will appreciate you for who you are. And whoever, and wherever that person is, they are worth the wait.
  8. ChokiE

    Full Member

    Feb 25, 2009
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    Kenosha, WI
    I've never fallen for a straight guy, it's always either a gay or bisexual guy.
  9. SpinachWrap

    Regular Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    In which case, ignore the first paragraph, and look at the second one. That's the most important part.
  10. RaeofLite

    Full Member

    Apr 7, 2009
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    BC, Canada
    Perhaps you have to change your atmosphere. Sometimes changing the 'scenery' of your surroundings, you can adapt a positive image to your life. ie: if you're living with your parents (assuming you're out of highschool?) maybe you could get a job and live on your own if your family atmosphere is negative.

    Scenery helps so much. Trust me.
  11. Jim1454

    Full Member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    What was it about this guy that you liked? How is it that you were 'in love' with him? The reality is that 'love' is something that develops over a fairly long time. Not days. It is based on shared experiences - doing things together.

    Neither of you obviously knew each other very well. He didn't know you well, or he wouldn't have talked so poorly of you. He'd have come to know the reasons to keep you around and defend you to his other friend. And you would have known him well enough to know that he was a two faced little weasel.

    But now you do know that. Chalk it up to experience, and move on. It's certainly not the end of the world, because I'm assuming that this isn't a long time relationship that has ended. You haven't invested all that much into this guy.

    So what next? Do you think you're likely to meet a nice guy who is willing to spend the time to get to know you when you have a 'Fuck everything' attitude?

    The answer, or course, is no.

    So you're entitled to be upset and angry. But remember that it really doesn't do you or anyone else any good.
  12. ChokiE

    Full Member

    Feb 25, 2009
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    Kenosha, WI
    *sigh* Here I am trying to brood and you have to come in and introduce logic. You're right though, I guess I just get attached to people way too easily. A lot of people treat me like shit so whenever anyone is even remotely kind to me I tend to overreact to the situation and immediately think that they are either going to be my best friend or they are "the one". It sucks though because I seriously do not understand why he and so many other have thought that I am creepy. I don't think I look, act or sound creepy. Maybe I just have some kind of dark aura about me or something.
  13. Jim1454

    Full Member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    Just trying to keep it real. :icon_wink

    I'm not sure why people might think you're 'creepy'. Sometimes they take their cue from you. If you dwell on the crappy stuff that has gone on in your life, then they might figure out that those things are what define you. If you make a big deal of them - other people will too.

    Is that possible? While it's important to be honest with people, you might want to make sure people are aware that there are 'normal' aspects to your life as well - listening to music, living with your grandmother who loves you, etc.

    But it's really true that you need to try and be friends with people first and then see if there is more that can develop after. You can 'like' someone, but don't let yourself get too carried away. And it really helps to have friends who are just friends. People you don't develop more serious feelings for. Because then you've got someone in real life that you can bounce things off of, like "I think that guy is really cute and nice." Because your friend might be able to see the situation more objectively and tell you that you could do WAY better, or that the person is a jerk...

    Not sure what else to suggest. Other than to just roll with the punches and stay positive. Nothing is more attractive in someone than a positive attitude.
  14. Steve

    Regular Member

    May 30, 2008
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    Born in australia, but now living some where else
    i totally agree. if he didn't like you to some extent he would not have invited you over.