I feel indifferent

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by Jack2009, Oct 30, 2009.

  1. Jack2009

    Jack2009 Guest

    Feb 19, 2009
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    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Not out at all
    I went to try again to meet the guy I wanted to date....

    It went from the restaurant (we didn't even eat), to his house to watch movies (and I only suspected this; I was dumb).

    We went to his room, and then he started undressing me, and acting kind towards me. I don't know what got over me, I must have issues because I allow him to do this to me.

    Then went into his bed, watch a movie, and he started touching me all over. Then I think he wanted sex, and I told him no. He tried to kiss me, but I stop him.

    But I felt love for the first time, but I felt like I lost something about me. I feel weird like I'm not the same anymore. I wasn't looking for sex, but a date. He's in love with me, since he told me he wants me to do this and that in the future (sex stuff). I kept on talking about dating stuff like about him. And he treated me like a sex object, but at the same time with love. And he has connections with people I need for a job after I ask him about this one place (he doesn't know he may be useful in the future for me)

    And he had Marilyn Monroe all over his house, even in his bedroom in a small frame like she was his family. He's bi. Is that what he wants from me? A marilyn monroe.

    I want to meet him again, but I just feel weird like it went way too fast... but I didn't get angry just didn't know anything with him. I just feel weird. Like I lost my virginity, but I didn't, and I'm even still a lip-virgin. Wth is this feeling?
    #1 Jack2009, Oct 30, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2009
  2. revolutionrock

    Full Member

    Jun 2, 2008
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    I think it's nature's way of telling you that this relationship isn't what you want or need, bud.

    Be safe if you decide to pursue it further.
  3. Jack2009

    Jack2009 Guest

    Feb 19, 2009
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    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Not out at all
    I want it, that's the problem.

    I feel like I'm doing the right thing in my head, but my heart saids that I must keep my virginity. Like I'm losing it too fast.

    I feel too shy and inexperience, and I really thought I was much more than being shy with this type of things. But I guess it's different from the head to the reality.

    Plus I feel ugly, but he's all into me. So why should I feel ugly? Not ugly inside but ugly outside.

    And my voice change for some reason like a more softer voice or something when I was with him, like I was afraid and timid. And I was more nervous than afraid, but it's just weird.
    #3 Jack2009, Oct 31, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2009
  4. Lexington

    Full Member

    Dec 20, 2007
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    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Out to everyone
    >>>Wth is this feeling?

    You're not having one feeling. You're having several.

    * You're excited. Sex (or even the potential of sex) is exciting.
    * He desires you in a carnal way. Even if you don't want to have sex with him (now or ever), it's a good feeling to be wanted sexually.
    * He's pushing things forward, but (so far) respecting your wishes. He didn't force you to have sex with him. So there's a feeling of him liking you enough to do that.
    * There's a fear of not knowing if you'll be able to keep saying no.
    * There's an element of excitement by moving close to your boundaries...and wondering if they'll still be your boundaries for long.

    What do you do? That's up to you. Know that he obviously wants to push things forward. He wants to have sex with you. And you're going to have to decide if you're going to have sex with him. And if you are, you'd best be prepared for it. Don't go in with a "whatever happens, happens" attitude.

  5. s5m1

    Full Member

    Dec 13, 2007
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    It is perfectly understandable that you would feel somewhat confused and disappointed, considering your “date” did not go as you hoped. It sounds like you had certain expectations about your encounter with this guy that may have been different from his expectations.

    Based on your online contact with this guy, you decided that you wanted to “date” him before you ever met him. Perhaps next time that you meet someone online, you should lower your expectations of where it will lead. Rather than deciding from the beginning that you want to “date” them before you have even met them, go with the lesser expectation that it will simply be a short get together to see if there is any chemistry and interest in actually going on a date. Notice I said “a date,” not “dating.” Take it step by step. Get to know the guy in person before creating an expectation that he is someone who you want to date. Maybe you will hit it off, maybe you won’t. If you approach it with a lower expectation, you are less likely to get hurt.

    It sure sounds like his expectations for your get together were different than yours. From the sound of things, it looks like he thought this was a hook up. Maybe I am wrong, but that is how it sounds. Perhaps next time, think about what you are saying and what the other guy is saying to make sure you are on the same page. Make your expectations clear before you meet.

    I am sure there were all kinds of emotions swirling around in you while you were at his place. While he may have been kind and tender with you, that is not the same thing as love. Sex and love are completely different. Be careful mistaking the two. Otherwise, you may set yourself up again in the future for disappointment.

    I am not sure how to read this comment. You don’t need to have a sexual relationship with someone for them to be able to help you find a job. Turning to friends and acquaintances for an introduction or for assistance opening a door is done every day. The more honest you are with someone, the more likely they are to want to help you in the future. It could actually backfire on you if someone feels he is being used.

    While this was not the date you hoped for, take it as a learning experience and you will have gotten something positive from it, even if it was not what you intended. And, don’t give up. Dating takes practice. Like anything else, the more you do it, the better you get. Along the way, maybe when you least expect it, you will meet the right guy.
    #5 s5m1, Oct 31, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2009