President Obama tells the story of PFLAG

Discussion in 'Current Events, World News, & LGBT News' started by beckyg, Oct 11, 2009.

  1. beckyg

    beckyg Guest

    Mar 19, 2007
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    You all probably know I'm crying my eyes out after watching this. :slight_smile:
  2. Gerry

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    That made my day. :slight_smile:
  3. Gaetan

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    Sep 5, 2009
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    Absolutely wonderful speech.
  4. Revan

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  5. Phoenix

    Phoenix Guest

    It's nice but I'm a little suspicious that he's only doing it so he can be like, "Don't worry guys! I know I've done absolutely nothing in terms of LGBT people, but I haven't forgotten you!"
  6. haelmarie

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    Oct 2, 2009
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    In the video, he said he called on Congress to repeal DOMA. Is this true? I cannot find of verification of that anywhere.
  7. Gaetan

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    Sep 5, 2009
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    I'm sure he is, actually. But I believe he's telling the truth. Change in Washington can take a very long time*. And, frankly, while it is no less important, gay rights do affect relatively few Americans (a fact we harp over and over to convince people that it's not bad) compared to the larger issues like the economy, the war, and health care.

    Should he ignore any issue? No. However, he's the President of the United States--not superman. He can only move forward on so many issues at once.

    Could he be doing it faster? Absolutely.

    *If Obama were to do anything instantly through Presidential order, like repeal DADT, it would not go well. There would be outrage, and it would cause more damage than good. Things this big have to change slowly so nobody has a chance to get mad.
  8. kramer362

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    Nov 14, 2007
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    The thing I like about Obama is that he 'gets it' more than any past president, except perhaps Clinton (especially Clinton TODAY).

    The frustrating thing is his failure to act so far, and not just on lgbt issues. It's like the reaction to his winning the Nobel Peace Prize... His rhetoric is all well and good but it isn't worth a damn (let alone a prize) until he actually acts.
  9. Emberstone

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    May 26, 2008
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    The thing we need to remeber is that it is congress who has actually been doing more to stall it. The white house and the pentagon has been in talks about how best to approch it internally for months, but congress has been so caught up in bickering to start the process in the senete and the house.
  10. Agreed! Great video! Thanks for sharing, beckyg.
  11. Just Adam

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    Mar 17, 2009
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    good speech? yes it was beautiful really touched a nerve

    did i buy it? nope :frowning2:

    i hate beeing cynical of the guy but it just sounds so well scripted and rehearsed. he really needs to make progress as that guy thing at the end got me...

    but im sick of speeches...get out of teh office and get at the head of a lgbt march with a flag flying.. get and kick some political butt ... your the president do somthing !

    but on the speech i rate it 5 stars...great topic yay :slight_smile: obama may have just gone from 1 to 2 stars.
  12. Mickey

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    Aug 26, 2008
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    Another great video. Once again,Thanks,Becky.
    People,I truly believe in Obama. I think,if he had his way,this whole thing would already be done with. He has to do things,not at his speed,but to that of Congress.
    As I said in another post,we need to have patience. He's on our side. That's more that we've ever had! I really don't feel like he's just blowing smoke. I think he really is being honest. The man has a lot to do and at least he's trying. We have got to give this a little more time. He's only been our President for 10 months!
    I know some people want it all NOW,but that's not how it works. Give him a little slack,he really means what he says,and we'll come a long way with him as our President.
  13. Just Adam

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    Mar 17, 2009
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    ok dont know he means what he says... but then again a politician has never lied...>.> ... really obama is basically playing up to every minority voter there is and its a good tactic for re-ellection so yea nice plan ...shame its gonna fall apart.

    dont want everything NOW! ...jsut want some signs no matter how small that there is progress even if its only a paper or a motion or some red tape crap to show this is beeing discussed behind closed doors ...but theres no proof of that only words.

    and yea its more than weve had for a president to say dadt and doma is wrong but... he says human rights alot but hes not pushing for full rights the same as others have.... be it healthcare and insurance marriage etc etc etc... i want to hear policy ...

    i agree there is alot of shit to clean up and it is a big job...but hes not doing it all himself you know hes not running around int eh white house liek a blue ass fly going shit shit shit where did i leave them documents... he has alot of help and in politics 10 months is almost a lifetime and not alot to show for it, like i said in another thread energy, jobs, lgbt rights, healthcare, nuclear dissarmement... all said would do but keeps moving on and not getting atleast 1 done... hes building a legacy... and im tired of it...jsut show 1 little tiny small piece of progress and i will be YES YES! but right now its huh huh ...think we allready have this speech on tape..

    and as i type... theres talk on teh news that if a bill on healthcare passes your costs will go up not yea great progrss :frowning2:...and for those who dont know why i give a damn...its because the world is still swoonign on obama and if he does summat epic our govt would take notice...

    i allways jsut think of the saying... " you can fool some of the people all of the time and all of teh people some of the time but you cant fool all of the people all of the time" " but a politician will try"

    i added that last bit from experience of watching the best drama on tv... poitcal party leaders bitching at each others... its depressing but good for a a i jsut give up kind of way.
  14. Chip

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    May 9, 2008
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    Obama truly means what he says. He comes out of a history of community building and organizing, he knows that LGBT supporters are a significant portion of the people who voted for him, and he wants to do right by us.

    But he has an amazing amount of stuff on his plate, *none* of which the loser Republicans have any interest in, because for the most part, they only want to defend the status quo and vote for whatever the lobbyists that have bribed them are telling them to vote for. And there aren't any lobbyists bribing congresspeople with big bucks on behalf of LGBT issues, so he has to first work on the most important issues that ensure the financial security of the American people.

    I think he's trying. I believe the hate crimes bill got snuck into a defense budget thing just a few days ago and will pass. And there are lots of other good things happening too. It just takes time, and you have an awful lot of losers and bigots in congress to contend with.
  15. Just Adam

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    Mar 17, 2009
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    almost sounds like a party political broadcast speech ... good point on lobbyists bribing people though...just like our house of lords... i still need more than i really do care.... yea i ? :S
  16. EM68

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    Jun 19, 2008
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    It was a moving speech. Was it well scripted absolutely, In this age of news bites everything is. I think it will take some time for real progress to occur. Obama's plate is full with 2 wars and health care reform. I did not vote for Obama but if he wants to tell the story of PFLAG which will be played on the news all over the country, I am all for it. This story is important to tell.
  17. Pendrin2020

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    Dec 4, 2008
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    CRAP I HEAR BANJOS!!! Nashville
    That's a little bitter for a brit, don't you think? I live here.

    I voted for that man because when I listened to what he said, I saw it coming from his heart. When I saw him in the debates, he didn't play "The Game". He spoke what he believed in and brought a voice of rationality that I haven't heard out of a politician in years. Are things going as quickly as we want? No. But I'll have you know that more things have changed for the better in the last 10 months than I've seen in 10 years.

    Part of that is a chance for some actual dialog about the stuff that actually matters. About making tolerance a realistic goal instead of amending the "Bill of rights" to take away privileges from 10% of the american population, which I will remind you bush endorsed as soon as a month after the first marriages in Massachusetts.

    I'll tell you right now... Straight Fact... our congress is corrupt. Just look up their criminal records and it shows plain as day. They spend their terms making deals and voting for things that keep them nice and entrenched in their positions. There is no limit on terms for congress, personally, I believe there should be.

    Do I agree with the health care plan? from what I've heard about it... No.

    Honestly, I'm not as well read on the issue as I should be, but I'd like you to keep in mind how you mentioned that YOUR healthcare costs are not going to change. OURS will.

    As an American Patriot and a VOTING CITIZEN, I would like to make the small gesture that you keep your opinions on your side of the pond unless they contain something that is more than just bitching and un-fulfilled expectations. Perhaps a little bit of dialog that suggests a solution? Perhaps a little bit of dialog about how presidents turned a blind eye to obvious prejudice for decades and longer, but now we have a candidate with the balls to even hint at an effort for change?

    Progress is Progress is Progress even if only slight.
  18. Just Adam

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    Mar 17, 2009
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    you believe what he says good for you you believe its from the heart good for you... ive seen enough political decetion to not believe words only actions...and i never said about my healthcare costs i saw the news that YOUR! healthcare costs look set to rise if this bill or whatever passes.... thats the way its looking... so yea.. they are gonan change congrats you got me...keep my bitching on my side of the pond??? wow mature and nice... i could say the same but wont i could say many things but wont as i will rise above them and i dont want to offend people in the US as they are nice people ...and i dont care your a VOTING CITIZEN not sure hwy thats all caps im a VOTING CITIZEN way look at the progress...and what else can i have apart from un-filled expectations when teh promises arent kept? how can they not be un-filled...i cant say well im satisfied hes said alot done nothing , its good enough for me...lets jstu forget this whole thing....NO! politicians want you to forget it and move have to keep teh rpeassure on them they are here to serve you ! not for you to follow blind and say yes sir no sir. as for bitching its my 'god given right to bitch ' about things...when someoen who works for you aint doign their job right you tell them...and me offer a solution...hmm how about we use this new hate crim and anti disciminatry and human rights laws and red tape to actually push through the basic right of beeing able to live without prejudice... but really you expect me to come up with the answer when you govt cant? thats a stupid thing to say...besides people know i support the idea of state marriage all the same benefits of religious marriage but its a contract between two people and teh state not the their are still rights responsibilities and such only marriage has... like your healthcare..

    your past presidents might of had their views but they only did what society would allow if they went over radical they wouldent be there, but thats not like today so dont try compareing the past to teh present as its easy to look back at mistakes its hard to look forward and see how not to make them, obama could have good case of human rights discrimination but aint useing it like he should. and progress is progress... youve just got to find me some now.

    and follow blind if you must follow your leader in all he says sit there and nod you head and hold your smile, never let that head bow and that smile droop for when you walk blind be careful you dont walk into somthing.



    infact i want to say sorry to becky ..this thread been hijacked and im sorry :frowning2: i got drawn into a bitch fest..sorry :frowning2:
  19. s5m1

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    Dec 13, 2007
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    Hey guys, let's remember to keep it civil, please.
  20. ultrabluecheese

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    Sep 10, 2009
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    Personally, I'm not--not even one bit--enamored by him. In regards to LGBT rights, he has done little, if anything. His speech concerning gay rights is nothing new. It is a re-hashing of his campaign promises. However, he left very core parts of his platform touching on LGBT rights: deadlines, time-line of action, and records of his support for the LGBT community, despite his claims that he has.

    He says he favors equality for gay rights, but has mentioned NOTHING of the initiatives of Maine and Washington or the struggle in D.C. for marriage equality. He says he wants to end discrimination in employment, even though he's firing more gay people solely for being gay than any other employer in the country--as commander-in-chief.

    Obama can give pretty speeches, brandish his support for the gay community, and parade his record of advocating LGBT rights, but at the end of his term, the only thing that that will matter is his accomplishments in relation to his campaign promises. Quite frankly, I'm not holding my breath.
    #20 ultrabluecheese, Oct 13, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2009