
Discussion in 'Physical & Sexual Health' started by Katherine, Aug 22, 2009.

  1. Katherine

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    Mar 14, 2009
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    The land of rednecks and pine trees (Georgia)
    Last night I noticed my stomach was hurting. It was a dull pain across my lower abdomen, and I just thought it was cramps. Not long after, my right side started hurting, too. It was an annoying, sharp pain in my side. I didn't think too much about it, and went to bed.

    I assumed the side pain would be gone by the next day, but I got up this morning to find that it's still there, which is unusual. It hasn't gotten much worse, but it hasn't gotten better, either. I'm also dealing with other symptoms--I feel bloated and gassy (only the gas hasn't gone anywhere, it's just there, and that's particularly annoying), and I'm running a tiny fever. The side pain is most noticeable when I sit down/stand up, move the wrong way, or when I urinate.

    My question is, could this be appendicitis? I don't know how fast appendicitis progresses--if that is a possibility--but the pain's stayed pretty much the same for the last 12 hours or so. If that is what's wrong with me, it seems like it would have gotten worse by now. I do know that other common symptoms are nausea or vomiting, but I ate a normal breakfast this morning, and my actual stomach feels fine. And the pain isn't severe or anything; it's just annoying. But it's lasted for a while and my other symptoms are worrying me a little. Should I wait it out and see if it gets worse? I don't want to rush to the doctor for something that might not be serious at all.
  2. seadog

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    Jun 16, 2009
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    Check WebMD Good luck!
  3. Eleanor Rigby

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    Feb 21, 2009
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    I can't tell you if it's appendicitis, but I'm sure that pain + fever (even tiny fever) means that something is going on.
    Appendicitis could be nasty when not taken in time. Take this seriously and go straight to your doctor or to the hospital.

    Take care, Eleanor
  4. Beachboi92

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    Jul 26, 2009
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    my brother had it if you could eat a normal breakfast and be fine you are probably ok. When he had it he threw up non stop for 3 days straight every 30 mins to an hour. I'd say as long as you are not throwing up it is prob something else. But i'd still go see a doctor to make sure everything is ok as it could progress into something worse. The fever will be really bad also my brothers was 104 and he could not even keep down ice chips and crackers. So like i said unless the fever gets really bad or you start throwing up it may be appendicitis.
    #4 Beachboi92, Aug 22, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2009
  5. AZguy444

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    It doesn't sound like Appendicitis, but I think you should see a doctor as soon as possible.
  6. KaraBulut

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    Mar 1, 2008
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    Based upon the general description, I would say that it is probably not your appendix but the following three tests are the diagnostic evaluation for appendicitis.

    1. Lower right abdominal tenderness- lie on the floor, place your palm on your right hipbone and your fingers pointing toward your belly button. Press down and then release. If you have appendicitis, you'll feel a sharp pain on the right lower abdomen that may radiate toward your groin.
    2. Rebound tenderness - press on your abdomen to the LEFT of your belly button and quickly release. If you have appendicitis, you will feel a sharp pain on your RIGHT side, lower abdomen.
    3. Psoas muscle irritation - laying flat on the floor with your head on the floor, try to lift your right ankle off the floor. If this is too difficult, then bend your knee and attempt to bring your knee toward your chest. If you have appendicitis, you may feel a sharp pain on the right lower abdomen.

    I tried to find a video that illustrates these three test but I could only find this video that illustrates the first two tests but the audio is in spanish:
  7. AtomicCafe

    AtomicCafe Guest

    I'm no medical expert, but I had appendicitis over the summer. Starting out, I just felt crampy and pretty gross, as though I was having a period. After about a day and a half, I could barely keep down water, had stabbing pains through my stomach, hips, and thigh (granted, at this point, I really WAS having a period -- super painful and awful, so maybe my symptoms are exaggerated), and when I tried to have a meal, I had severe nausea for about 30 minutes, then vomited and blacked out.

    I think one thing about appendicitis is that is gets progessively worse. (Again, don't trust me -- just based on observations from myself and friends who have had it.) Like Beachboi mentioned above, if you could eat and feel alright, it's probably something else. I would check with a doctor in the near future, mostly because the chest/stomach have so many organs that it could be a lot of things and possibly dangerous.