Obama working on Repealing DOMA?

Discussion in 'Current Events, World News, & LGBT News' started by Shevanel, Aug 17, 2009.

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  1. Shevanel

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    Dec 4, 2008
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    I saw this on a friend of mine's facebook status who happens to be highly involved in the University of Buffalo's LGBT group there. He's working on becoming a politician so he happens to find news like this fast.

    We'll see how this turns out though, if Obama indeed wants/gets DOMA repealed, then thats a plus for him. He just needs to make the right decision and try to work it out.

    It will be repealed, I'm rather sure, when though, I don't know, some time soon definitely.
  2. Greggers

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    Dec 10, 2008
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    I think its going to be states like Mass. that stand up to the law in court that get the job done. It may be Obama's hand in the end that deals DOMA the last blow, but only because of the pressure he is given from states like Mass.

    I just really want my next door country to finally get all the same protections and rights for LGBT people as i have in Canada. I really hope progress is made and this gets done, no matter who does it or how. Even more so now that some of my family is now living in Seattle :frowning2:
  3. Shevanel

    Full Member

    Dec 4, 2008
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    Well, The president of course can't do everything himself dealing with laws and such, but if he throws his support behind it, that'll change things.
  4. Just Adam

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    Mar 17, 2009
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    yea if obamas behind it the republicans will erally stand up for it
  5. Emberstone

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    May 26, 2008
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    silly just adams... republicans dont stand up for anything...standing is for black people, jews, the poor, the educated, the health aware, the gays, the hollywood celebrity, the liberal media, equal rights groups, legal expert, teachers, licensed doctars (who had not had their medical licenses revoked for mal practice and illicet acitivies and have started rght wing anti health care groups), the athiests, people with souls, people with morals, and people who have not be labodamized.
  6. Greggers

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    Dec 10, 2008
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    I feel sorry for republicans...

    They always get branded as "the evil ones". Megan McCain is living proof republicans can kick ass.

    Social issues should not even tie into politics this much. Every single human being on this planet deserves every single right as every single other human being on this planet. That should not be a democratic view, a republican view, or any one groups view. That should be how we all see it.
  7. Shevanel

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    Dec 4, 2008
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    You're very wrong, I'm sorry.

    Thank you, Greg, Individuals FTW. How many freakin times must I say to not put people into groups and then hate on them... people just don't get it... No better than the very people that do the same to them.
  8. the ry guy

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    Jul 10, 2008
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    A few people
    Dude, do you have any idea just how ignorant and balls retarded you sound in making a statement like that? I'm republican, i voted for McCain and Bush, so what? I personally find that statement offensive. and if you want to play the blame game how bout you democrats? you guys ENSLAVED an entire group of people based on RACE . Yeah, the confederates where democrats, u guys were the ones fighting to KEEP SLAVERY.

    Next time you decided to make a statement you try to think a little and try to be somewhat considerate of other people on this site

    And i apologize if my behavior was inappriopriate and out of line but that shit is just irratating
  9. ANightDude

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    May 10, 2008
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    Okay, I consider myself a liberal democrat, and even I can't agree with that statement. Republicans are constantly labled as Christian-Gun Holding-Anti Everything People, when it's not the case. I don't agree with their viewpoints, yes, but by saying they stand for nothing is a but over the top.

    And to the above poster (forgive me, name is forgotten), saying that the democrats were Confederates at the time is not really a fair arguement. Republicans and Democrats were two VERY different parties at the time of the civil war.
  10. Greggers

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    Dec 10, 2008
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    Ok, first, calling other people "balls retarded" makes you look like the mean one.

    Second, blaming anyone who is a democrat for slavery makes you look like the ignorant one.

    Yes, that was out of line. Yes, that was inappriopriate.

    There is a reason politics are so screwed up, and this here is it. People who believe the other side is the enemy. Look at the "news" for an example. NBC, hardcore Democrat news station. Fox, hardcore Republican news station. They are BOTH bias and they BOTH make up lies and they BOTH ignore the facts on either side of the argument. You cant interchange the words "Democrat" and "Republican" for "Good" and "Bad" because guess what: neither one is the right one. You are just as fucked up at the end of the day with whatever one you pick. You need a little of each to really make things work. Why do you think all the most important bills and passed bi-partisanship? Why do you think in many multi-party elections you have minority governments to keep the majority in check? Why do you think there even is multiple parties? Its because no one has all the answers and no one is always right.
  11. Just Adam

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    Mar 17, 2009
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    if were gonna have ago at someone for labelinga group then lay off ember and shout at me i can take it...

    fact is everything obama and his administration does a republican from somewhere in teh political woodwork keeps crawling out slagging it off saying how bad it is and things become a right pain in the ass... i know not all republicans are "evil" as greggers puts it and i actually prefered mccain to obama i think people jsut focused on age and not what they said... and i still think obama talks crap and jsut says what people want to hear and doesent do alot... but also when i heard palin and the shit she talks i palmfaces so hard i turned my face into a racoon.....

    but as teh main party of opposition it is a republican that stirs shit on a topic and lgbt rights DADT DOMA these thigns are fair game... just like any military subjects and the health proposals of late...

    taht all started with lots of negative media all you need is enough republicans coming on tv saying this and that and people took notice.... i dont know anything about the plans and i dont thin kalot of people do they jsut know a few thigns that has been said and i saw them on teh news with pickets (sp) all saying boo....and some hicks saying teh national health here sucks...... typical ignorant people not thinking theres thought that couldent afford medical insurances and medicare and all that....

    ok i know this turned into a rant but a) nhs does the best it can b) its our government that sucks. c) despite what anyone says teh usa pays to much for health care and doesent get value for money... d) im sorry for the rant dont attack me too hard i know i said i could take it i cant *hides
  12. Just Adam

    Full Member

    Mar 17, 2009
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    i think everyone should just think dont trust politicians tehyll screw you in teh end they are your friend today tomorrow they are putting taxes up.
  13. tomahto72

    tomahto72 Guest

    wasn't this thread about the Defence of Marriage Act??

    Just knowing that Obama will throw his weight behind it is good news
  14. Just Adam

    Full Member

    Mar 17, 2009
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    shame he cant do anything about it
  15. Emberstone

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    May 26, 2008
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    i sometimes forget sarcasem doesnt always translates well on the internet... sorry, didnt mean to start flame.

    but republicans do have alot to answer to right now. I merely was listing for the most part the groups reublican pundents, lobbyist, and politictions have been going after and trashing in the past 20-30 years.

    Ins't it about time we turn the tables finally. We are in economic ruin after a republican administration, and control of the two other branches of goverment overturned a economic surplus from the previous administration, and all we are hearing about is how the republican are trying to save the day while pushing through the very same ideas that contributing mainly to the mess we are in.

    not to say that the clinton administratin was faultless, because clearly, they werent. If I remeber correctly, he enacted DADT and DOMA.

    But it is hard for me to stomach the chosen direction of the republican party, which has been predominatly anti freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and civil equality for all U.S. citizens, all of which were requirements that were created at the founding of this country.

    We should be able to call a party out for these things.

    Democrats need to stop acting like they can fix every problem with speed and agility. Healthcare reform is screwed up because they are trying to do everything at once... what ever happened to slow and steady wins the race?

    And to the person who compaired democrats to slave master... you cant compaire the democrat/republican parties to the democrat/repbublican parties of 150ish years ago.

    Republicans have not been socially aware for the past 70-80 years.

    but the party has been corrupted by its desire to divide the country socially, than strip rights away from groups simply because they are too poor, too gay, the wrong skin color, or the wrong religion. They need to stop complaining about how chirstians are a second class citizen in their eyes, and start noticing that the world doesnt revolve around them.

    and when the republicans take more prominance in politics, we will see the same need for he democrats...

    and the circle of political crap continues to swirl around the drain...
  16. Shevanel

    Full Member

    Dec 4, 2008
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    Adam, You need to stop being so negative. It won't get you anywhere.

    Okay, You can believe what you want to believe, that's fine, I just really didn't want this thread to turn into some political battleground (Or at least pave the way toward one). It was totally not even in my thoughts that it would when I posted it. Blaming it on a party, Blaming it on presidencies. You can do that if you like, but what satisfaction do you get? Democrats make as many mistakes as Republicans do, and Independents, and any other of those smaller political parties. Politics are VERY complicated, and they rarely make people happy, let alone everyone.

    I merely posted this thread to announce what was in the first post. I felt that it would be a good thing that would make you guys happy, but instead, negativity ensues. Then it gets off topic, and I don't really want that to happen anymore, so I'm closing it.
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