Let's talk about PERIOD PAINS! (You have been sufficiently warned, male people.)

Discussion in 'Physical & Sexual Health' started by Helen, Jun 14, 2009.

  1. Helen

    Helen Guest

    I've had this problem from the word go when it comes to periods. I've tried panadol, brufen, ibuprofen, heating pads, herbal teas, other various herb things, vitabiotic courses, and hot water bottles.

    But I have the same problem every time my period comes around: on the first day I am literally crippled with menstrual pains. It's only ever on the first day, but it's usually so bad I can't even stand up straight for long without doubling over in agony. Is there anything in that list I may have missed? I'm also useless at preparing for it previously because my cycle is very irregular, sometimes it's a week early, sometimes it's a week late, sometimes it's something else early or late. So it's very hard to make sure that whatever I take beforehand isn't just wasted, and I usually have to deal with the rather sickening pain until whatever I've taken begins to kick in. And even then, it only works for a little bit. -_-

    Have any of you ladies found something truly golden to stop it that I may have overlooked? Because frankly, all nerves around my uterus are screaming at this very moment :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
  2. SirBoobalot

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    Feb 18, 2009
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    SE England
    Have you tried the pill? Certain types have, as a side effect, lighter periods and less cramps - and some hormonal contraception (like the implant, as I discovered), can even make you miss some periods entirely. Annoying for people with a regular cycle, but less so if it was already out of whack anyway :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
  3. pirateninja

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    Sep 26, 2007
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    Bath, England
    Yup, I'm the same. First days of periods are always coupled with curling up in the fetal position and groaning. Rest of it is perfectly fine :grin:

    I actually asked my local quack about this, and she prescribed me this wonderful medicine called Ponstan. It worked from the word go :grin: The thing about it really is that you have to have food right before taking it though, because it can make you ill if taken on an empty stomach. It works miracles though. :grin:
  4. Maddy

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    Mar 23, 2008
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    I saw a specialist about this a few years ago, because I was the same - the first day and sometimes the fourth I'd usually be out of commission most of the day, throwing up, fairly unpleasant. I went through a few prescriptions looking for something that worked, and I found that taking Voltaren Rapid combined with something called Cyklokapron (to make the bleeding slightly less heavy) worked on all but the worst pain. When it got really bad, I'd beg Mersyndol Forte off my mother. I'd had bad pain since my first period when I was only about nine or so, but weirdly, it's eased off the last few times - no pain at all, just a little bit of nausea. So there is hope! (*hug*)
  5. Helen

    Helen Guest

    I WOULD try that, but I'm very paranoid about fertility, it took my mum a year and a half to conceive my brother after she was on the pill. I'm desperate for children when I'm older, so I don't want anything potentially interfering with that :slight_smile:

    Will investigate the Ponstan stuff when I'm in the UK Hol, but knowing Dubai it's probably illegal here :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
  6. silentsound

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    Jun 16, 2008
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    I have heard Ponstan is a miracle. Mine don't get *quite* so bad as you describe, but pretty damn close. I find that advil works, but ibuprofen and tylenol don't at all, so maybe try that? Also try to drink tons of water as you feel your period approaching and through when it starts.
  7. notquitebutch

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    Feb 2, 2009
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    Yeah, I was the same way (except it was a few days where I was crippled D: ) I HAD to go to the pill, and now I'm happy and crampless! Plus it's MUCH lighter and a lot less annoying :'D
  8. KaraBulut

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    Mar 1, 2008
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    Ponstan is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent (NSAID). It works by blocking prostaglandin which seems to be tied to the pain and cramping associated with periods (aka dysmenorrhea).

    You can try it but since you've been through several similar drugs like ibuprofen, it may not work for you.

    There are two other options that you should look at:
    1. Your doctor needs to rule out other conditions that can cause pain during menstruation - like endometriosis and uterine fibroids.
    2. You may need to reconsider on birth control pills. There's not a single formulation for birth control pills- there are different hormones available in different dosages. Given your age and your low risk for pregnancy, you may be able to resolve your dysmenorrhea with low doses of hormones. And you may be able to do just a few months of BCP in order to thin the uterine lining which seems to reduce prostaglandin levels and reduce the incidence of dysmenorrhea.
  9. Happy Go Lucky

    Regular Member

    Sep 9, 2008
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    Oh oh, I know what you mean. That intense pain that cripples you and makes you curl up into a tiny tiny ball, cry, die and then implode on yourself?
    Yeah, I get that too. It's a biatch. Truly.

    I would suggest going to see your doctor, absolutely. Ask if they can prescribe something called Naproxen to you. That's what I take - that is, if I take it in time. If you take it a day or two before your period is scheduled to start, then it can help a lot...I got it in right on time last month and I had an amazing pain-free period. Fantastic.
    Of course, it can be harder if you're not regular. But go see your doctor and talk with him/her. As KaraBulut pointed out, there may be other reasons why it huuuuurts.
    Also, if you drink water in which pieces of fresh cut ginger, mint and lemon have been soaking, it often helps a bit. + A hot water bottle, right above where your pubic hair starts (but over pyjamas or you might burn yourself) can help. Keep your feet warm...as weird as it sounds, it often helps with keeping the blood circulation steady, and I find I'm in less pain when I'm wearing socks and have most of my body at a steady temperature.

    I hope you'll find a good solution! *hugs*

  10. epiphanies

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    Jul 12, 2008
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    When I was your age I had the same problems. Every now and then I still get terrible cramps and nausea, but thankfully it has died down for the most part. The pill didn't really help me that much with the pain, but it does make you regular, which helps predict when your period will be.

    If you don't want to go the route of BCP, I'd suggest drinking lots of water. Midol works wonders for me. And for some reason, if I had salty foods for lunch that would help also. Finally, I avoided dairy products as much as possible.
  11. Absentminded

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    Aug 3, 2008
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    I don't get them as bad as you ladies are describing (not usually, I have), but, I came across the strangest drink mixture that help mine.
    I was on my way to school one day,and got a surprise from Aunt Flo...cramps that were horrid. I stopped into Cumby's and tried a mix of Hot chocolate and green tea. Sounds disgusting, isn't really that bad. Try it. My cramps were gone about 10 minutes later.
    And if you really don't want to try it, try a lot of green tea. Let it really brew, and drink it plain.
    That one has worked from day one.
  12. pirateninja

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    Sep 26, 2007
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    We complain about Aunt Flo now, and consider her monthly visits a burden, but we will miss her when she's gone and can't visit anymore.
  13. Apocalypte

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    Oct 11, 2008
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    Dublin, Ireland
    I won't miss that horrible cow one bit. :eusa_naug

    I get pretty nasty cramps on my first day, but nothing that painkillers can't take care of. It's the crushing depression that I get for the first two days of my period that really gets me...
  14. Katherine

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    Mar 14, 2009
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    The land of rednecks and pine trees (Georgia)
    Ughhhhh. I hate cramps. And I don't just get cramps, I get the mood swings and the fatigue and just about every digestive issue you would never even want to know about. It's no fun. The worst cramps I ever had made me a vegetable for about three hours--I literally laid down on the sofa, whimpering, fighting back tears, mentally praying to any deity that might listen, until I finally passed out and woke up about an hour later, feeling well enough to get up and move around a little bit. I don't usually get cramps that bad, thankfully; although my last period was particularly mean (horrible cramps and stomachache hit me during third period, and I was miserable all day because I had exams and couldn't leave early). It was awful.

    Usually, though, Midol works amazingly well. That, added to anything with a little extra caffeine in it to keep me awake (I get SO tired), usually works perfectly. I wish I had something to deal with the stomachaches, though. Those are horrible.
  15. Absentminded

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    Aug 3, 2008
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    I don't think I will...I'll just laugh at the younger generation...
  16. Numfarh

    Numfarh Guest

    Go on the pill.
    Seriously, it has halfed my pain on it's own and it has the benefits of telling you exactly when you should begin medication to keep the cramps at bay. The trick with tylenol, advil, motrin and whathaveyou is that you must take the pills before you begin to feel the cramps. They do not work nearly as well if you are already fetalpositioned. By being on birth control pills, you can predict your period exactly. You will never be surprised by an unexpected blood stain again.

    I recently decided to go off my birth control pills to try and save money. Well, needless to say, I didn't sleep for a full two days because I couldn't control the pain. I will never go off the pills ever again. It was just too much. Plus, the difference in the flow was really outstanding. I use far less in the way of tampons and pads on the pill than when I'm off it.

    I understand that you might be scared for your fertility, but in reality, birth control pills should technically allow you to be fertile for longer since you don't release the egg every month. Instead, they remain waiting in limbo until you allow yourself to ovulate again.
  17. beckyg

    beckyg Guest

    Mar 19, 2007
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    I had a visit from Aunt Flo on my wedding night. That wasn't very good planning, was it? lol

    Helen, I just had an implant put in my arm. Its called Implanon and most people do not have periods on it. You can leave it in for 3 years. The doctor just gave me a shot to numb my arm, told me to shut my eyes, and put it in. I could feel it slide in but it didn't hurt at all. The brochure said that some people got pregnant just days after removal of this. You definitely need to be checked though like KB recommended and make sure nothing more serious is involved.

    I had this put in for my migraines. My new doctor figured out I was progesterone deficient. I have had about a 90% improvement! Thank you God! (!)(!)(!)(!)(!)(!)
  18. The Enigma

    The Enigma Guest

    Aunt Flo?

    Wow I can't believe I missed this topic. :slight_smile: This one's brought not just hysterical girly giggles but new issues women face. XD I feel dirtier than after watching a porno after reaading all this. Somehow, I like it. That's odd...
  19. GhostDog

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    Apr 14, 2009
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    DFW area, Texas
    I call it Shark Week, personally. The Red Army's invading, riding the cotton pony, crimson tide, the hunt for red October, arts and crafts week at panty camp... Though sometimes I just call it, "Oh God, not again."

    I was on the pill for a while, and it did lessen the cramps! So the pill is good for that. But it made me incredibly moody for whatever reason, and I wanted to EAT. EVERYTHING. Gained weight on the stupid thing, and I don't need any more of that. >:| I dunno, maybe I needed to be on a different pill? Do some of them make you less crazy than others? Haha, sorry, I don't have much knowledgeable input on this discussion.

    But, eh, my periods are manageable now and I don't see much need for birth control, as it stands. =P
  20. Absentminded

    Full Member

    Aug 3, 2008
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    We have some interesting names for it lol. That was the first one I could think of. Others include...The curse, bipolar week, The Crimson Wave..., Ugh, not again...
    And That's all I can think of right now...