You're still GAY!

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Jtonka1, Apr 24, 2009.

  1. Jtonka1

    Full Member

    Apr 1, 2009
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    Kansas city, Missouri
    Okay, so i was reading a thread and this is bugging me cause this has came up like twice now.....

    The first time was when talking to a homophobic straight guy who insisted that being gay was a choice. I asked how he sees it as a choice. He said because you choose to be with a man instead of a woman.....

    The second time was this thread. This guy decided he would be with a woman instead of a man. He didn't want to come out so he is "going" straight.

    ~People....just because you sleep with a woman does not make you straight! Being gay is about attraction. If you like men but choose to be with a woman....YOUR STILL GAY! The fact hasn't changed......
  2. SAGUY84

    SAGUY84 Guest

    Re: Your still GAY!

    I'm not gay, i just **** guys (re my mini profile lol)

    I see your point tho, but thats their decision. The guy in the thread your talking about is still gay, but he's choosing to sleep with women.
    Just like the guy you were talking to, he's just not quick grasped the concept.

    I don't think its something to get worked up over tho.....
  3. Mana

    Full Member

    Jan 13, 2009
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    King's Lynn
    Re: Your still GAY!

    Every time I talk to someone from my old school (excluding the friends I had there) they ask if I'm still gay D<
  4. Just Adam

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    Mar 17, 2009
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    Re: Your still GAY!

    ill tell u what i tell anyone im just me allthough.... every guy ive met and said theyre gay they are haha funny when u know before them..... saw one in pub other week havent seen him in 10 years saw one in club havent seen in 6 years i hate his guts... always did go over the top on everything ... just thinking about it i want to hit him... anyway nevermind
  5. Jtonka1

    Full Member

    Apr 1, 2009
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    Kansas city, Missouri
    Re: Your still GAY!

    I'm just tired of people assuming if you sleep with a woman your straight all of the sudden.
  6. Just Adam

    Full Member

    Mar 17, 2009
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    Re: Your still GAY!

    it is delusion but its their right to live that way i dont agree with it but ive no right to impose the way i live on them like they have me im just more concerned that despite doing this under duress it wont make them happy and they will just hurt themselves and others in the process.

    but adults must make their own mistakes we just have to be there to support them

  7. Kirakishou

    Full Member

    Mar 7, 2009
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    Re: Your still GAY!

    You should ask "Are you still straight?" in return.:wink:
  8. someguy82

    Full Member

    Jan 28, 2009
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    It's someone's right to delude themselves, but it's not their right to drag another person into the delusion with them unless they lay it all out to the person before entering the relationship. It's never fair and no one deserves what the women (or men) who are never given the full picture in these situations are put through.
  9. mattypants

    Full Member

    Oct 17, 2008
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    Los Angeles
    Re: Your still GAY!

    rofl i cant wait to use that xD
  10. Starburst

    Full Member

    Jan 6, 2008
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    Indianapolis, IN, USA & Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
    The definition of the word "homosexuality" has changed in recent history. In ancient times, being gay is a choice. Because when folks spoke of homosexuality, they meant the practice, the intimacy exercised between men or between women. Nowadays, homosexuality is clearly not a choice. Because the word has come to describe the attraction to same-sex counterparts, a sexual orientation, an encrypted code in the brain.
    So when a person ignorant of the difference, and for the most part, indoctrinated, blinded, by historical accounts, e.g. the Bible, will determine that all homosexuals, classified by our new definition, like everyone else, have a choice over soul mates. This is true. But he will inevitably conclude that homosexuals also have control over their natural attractions, their states of mind. This conclusion, however, is a big mistake.
    Since, even though preferences and inclinations strongly influence decisions, we cannot backtrack that control over decisions means mastery of thoughts, of feelings. And it is clear, we all, as organic beings with developed sensory and nervous systems, are slaves to our own minds.
    The needs, the wants, they are indestructible. They are the engines that generate our thinking and play an important role in producing perceptions and making decisions. Even when our ego works to suppress them with conscience and reasons, they remain immortal as much as our souls.
    That is my argument why being gay is not a choice and deciding whether to remain so or to "go straight" will never do any harm to the attraction, the untouchable void of wants and needs, but only provoke from it more desires, create in it more tensions, and bring forth more miseries into one's own life.
    #10 Starburst, Apr 24, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2009
  11. pookie

    pookie Guest

    Homosexuality, by definition, it attraction to the same sex. For example, if a strait man is raped by another man he is still strait. And if a gay man is raped by a women(Somehow...) he would still be gay. Even if the sex was consensual, in the above two cases, they would still fall under their respective categories--assuming that the reason for sex was other than attraction.

    It is logically possible for a persons attraction to change. However, in practice this may never or rarely occur. To determine this rate a widespread survey would need to be administer to professed homosexuals who would report again after a period of time. Within my experience this has never happened. That is not to say it could not.

    If given the choice, I would chose to be bisexual. Double dip so to speak.

    Let's try and define if Homosexuality is a choice:

    Metaphor alert:

    Fred walks into a coffee shop and takes a look at the menu. He sees coffee, and tea.[a very small selection] He looks around and sees that everyone else is drinking coffee except a couple of others that everyone else keeps giving sideways glances. Fred really likes tea, and has never really been a fan of coffee. Everyone else says that coffee is better because:it has more caffeine, it has numerous health benefits, people have drunk it that way for thousands of years.

    Fred feels socially pressured to order coffee. He knows that his friends will be here any minute and they always order coffee. Fred, while waiting in line, remembers that his parents always drank coffee and they raised him that way. Why shouldn't he? Closing the menu, he decides that he's a coffee man--Until he spots another walking away with a cups of hot, steamy tea and suddenly his mouth waters. Suddenly, Fred has an idea: if he puts a lid over his tea no one would ever know!

    As he orders his drink he smirks at his clever plan. He snatches his drink off the counter and takes a seat. No sooner than his tea lid snaps in place, the door opens and jingles as his friends walk in. They order their coffee and sit down. But what's this? As Fred's friend sits down the tea spills all over his white shirt, and sitting right in his lap is a tea bag.

    [Hey reader, you didn't think this was a boring old two dimensional metaphor did you? Take out a coin and flip it. If it's heads, read ending A, if it's tails, read endingB.]

    Ending A

    Fred's friends gasp and grab him by the collar and apologize to the fellow coffee drinkers. No one can here the muzak over his screams as they drag him out the door and into the alley. The friends throw Fred against the wall and dump the rest of the tea onto his face and proceed to kick him. They kick him until his blood mixes with tea and his tears with pavement.

    Ending B

    Fred's friends gasp and grab him some napkins to dab the offending beverage from his shirt. Rather than ask him why he had been drinking tea, they ask him if it burned him. Fred relaxes. He friends care more about him than about the beverage he drinks. It wasn't even a big deal in the first place. They buy him a new tea and pour cream and sugar in and stir until cream mixes with sugar and sugar with tea.

    The end

    Did Fred have a choice to buy tea?

    Yes, he had a choice. But he did not choose. Although it would have been pointless to buy coffee. It would have wasted his time, and he would have gotten sick drinking it. There is no actual reason for him to have bought tea. But yes he had a choice.

    Because Choice is a Polyseme(a word with multiple definitions), people can use and mix around the definitions to support their argument and have the connotation of the word. Choice means:1) the right or ability to make a selection, or the possibility to make a selection OR 2) a range of possibilities from which one or more may be selected OR3) a selection.

    He did have the second definition of choice, "a range of possibilities from which one or more may be selected". But, he did not have the first definition "the right[he did have the right....] or ability [....but not the ability] to make a selection.

    However, whether or not his decision to buy tea was a choice or not is irrelevant to the morality of his ordering tea. Because it affects no one but himself, and it does not harm him, in any practical way, it is moral to do so.
  12. Derek the Wolf

    Full Member

    Jul 19, 2008
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    It's not everything it's cracked up to be. Great metaphor though.

    Honestly... most people don't understand being gay is just an attraction. It's different whether you act on it or not. You can be gay and have heterosexual sex, or vice versa (albeit less often). One more example of how horribly misunderstood sexuality is.
  13. littledinosaurs

    Full Member

    Sep 17, 2008
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    Totally agreed.
    Grass is always greener.
    But that metaphor is pretty amazing.
  14. Noah

    Full Member

    Sep 1, 2008
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    Macon, GA
    Love that metaphor
  15. Kryz

    Full Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    Mexico City
    PPL are just plain ignorant.

    Whenever they say anything like that to me, i just make the "gosh, how stupid" face and walk away.