Career Type Stuff

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by Trumpetplyer23, Dec 3, 2008.

  1. Trumpetplyer23

    Full Member

    Feb 24, 2008
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    So, today, my entire grade loaded up in the buses and went to a vocational school. Basically we can enroll in this school through our original school and take a trade there.

    So, like I was saying we all went there and we go to 'explore' two different trades/career choices. I chose Automotive Technology and Culinary Arts.

    I really enjoyed the Auto Tech class. I changed a tire and only missed three on a quiz about tools. I enjoyed it, but I don't think it's something I would want to do until I died or retired.

    Here's the positive points. One, I get an education for free (basically, minus book fees). Two, I learn a skill that never is in danger of being outdated. Three, my job (if I took this course) would be recession-proof. Four, I could get a job working on cars while still in high school. Five, if I got a job working on cars while in high school, when I graduate, I could work at that place full time and have a steady job.

    Here's the negative parts. There are things that I really want to do at my 'member' school. One, four years of French. Two, complete devotion to the band. Three, French club vs. Spanish club soccer game. Four, Productions Lab class (they make an assembly during Homecoming week that the entire school sees and they make the Senior video which is played at graduation). Five, Softball. I mean, they say that they can make it possible, but it would much more difficult. If I'm working on cars all day I'd be all worn out and crap. Five, taking Journalism (if I can) again. If I take the class again, I would be set as editor. My teacher already told me that. Six, I enjoy my school right now.

    The things that make me want to go to this vocational school is I can get an in demand, well-paying job that could supply my money through college. I also enjoy building things and putting it back together. Also, if my own personal car breaks down, I could fix it. I'd just have to buy the parts.

    The things that make me want to stay at my school right now are I can stay with my friends, there are many classes I want to take, I want to be prepped for college, and there's so many things I want to experience.

    The thing that scares me about going to the vocational school would be I couldn't further my education. Why? Well, if they see my application and someone else's application and I did a bunch of stuff my freshman and sophomore year, then went to the vocational school for job training and the other person stayed all 4 years and did a bunch a stuff, they'd pick the kid with more college-prepatory stuff on their resume. I don't want it to be where it's assumed I don't want to go to college (by the college) because I took a course in fixing cars.

    Plus, I don't see myself fixing cars in 20 years. I see myself as either a teacher or a public speaker. Fixing cars would be a nice way to make good money fast.

    I'm really confused.
  2. Mickey

    Full Member

    Aug 26, 2008
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    Is there a place where you could take night classes for automotive?
    That way you could stay at the school you're at,and get the
    experience you want to work on cars. I don't know if this
    is possible. It was just a thought.
  3. Trumpetplyer23

    Full Member

    Feb 24, 2008
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    They offer night classes, but only for adults...There'd be no way for me to do that :frowning2:
  4. Thatsit

    Full Member

    Jan 5, 2008
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    Champaign, Illinois
    I actually was in almost the exact situation after my sophomore year of high school. I can't really give you much advice but I can tell you what I decided to do. I really wanted to take the automotive vocational classes, but I also wanted to take he music classes that I liked.

    I decided to not take the vocational courses mostly because I wouldn't have been able to be in jazz band or take the music classes. Also, since I'm pretty sure the college I'm going to next year doesn't have an automotive course, I plan on taking the same automotive classes during the summer at the community college. That way I could keep the normal high school days and eventually receive the automotive education, even though I had to wait a few years.

    Also I think my counselor told me that colleges like vocational classes because they give you some college credits.
    Hope this helps
  5. Trumpetplyer23

    Full Member

    Feb 24, 2008
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    Well, I'm still undecided.

    My school is holding a thing called "Tech Tuesday". Basically, if we're interested we get shipped back to said vocational school for some more hands-on activity. I signed up for that, just to see what its like, y'know? Maybe I'll hate it, I dunno.

    I argued with my mom about this a couple of days ago. Why? She's afraid that I won't go to college if I went to the vocational school and that I feel like I won't have any bills later in life. It was really weird. I just let her yell at me and went into my bedroom.

    My friend said it was probably because she thinks I'm too smart for auto tech. I dunno. I think my mom puts a lot of pressure on me because she's afraid I won't be able to support myself. I dunno. It was really weird.

    Thatsit, what you did actually sounds like a really good idea. The reason I'm not dead-set on going is because there are classes at my home school I am dying to take.

    I figure I'd explore the auto tech world a bit more and if I liked it, maybe I could take classes at a community college...I dunno.