Some spooky stuff going on

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Maddy, Nov 28, 2008.

  1. Maddy

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    Mar 23, 2008
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    Lately in my house a lot of weird things have been happening. We've all been noticing them, it's not just me. Appliances are turning on by themselves (including an old extraction fan we never use), the dog's leash keeps tying itself in knots (not just tangles, real knots), something fell out of a cupboard when it had been packed away at the very back (it would have had to move about a foot forward to fall off the edge) and both my mother and I have seen figures walking down a passage or standing at the table when there was nobody in that part of the house. I'm not exactly creeped out, but it's kind of concerning. I know I sound mad, but it's definitely been happening. Has anyone else had experiences like this?
  2. -Michael-

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    Jun 17, 2008
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    Fine, I'll find someplace else. :frowning2:
  3. Maddy

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    Mar 23, 2008
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    Sorry to kick you out.
  4. Trystan

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    Jul 25, 2008
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    I personally haven't ever experienced that, but I work with a group that study stuff like that. we look at spiritual/psychic stuff, and things like that. Sounds weird, but we've got enough evidence to prove it's true. Several of our members have experienced it, and we're all christians. I'm soon to be going out on visits to people's houses that are having problems like yours, which is something our leaders already do. They've helped loads of people in our town, and it's pretty awesome.

    If I were you, contact someone from a church or spiritualist church - if the christian church is open-minded enough, or has members like our group, they should be able to help you :grin:

    that might have helped, if you've got any questions just ask and I'll try and find out for you :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
  5. smilealways

    smilealways Guest

    My family and cousins have experienced spooky stuff. I will probably freak out if I see anything, especially if I'm on my own. :confused:
  6. BeautifulStranger

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    Aug 26, 2007
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    Jukjeon-dong, Yongin-si
    I've had a close encounter with spooky stuff

    There's an old abandoned house (but isn't it always?) just out of Alpena. Well, these two guys used to take girls there, rape them and then brutally murder them. They'd then write all over the walls with their blood... Things like 'No one can hear you out here'.
    Well, I've always wanted to go, but none of my friends would come with me. So it was 4 days before I was leaving for Germany, and I finally managed to talk my best friend/non-related brother Chad into going with me.
    We drive out there (we went at midnight... I wanted it as spooky as possible) without any problems, which is a good thing since I only have a level one liscense. If a cop stopped me, I'd have been in deep shit, but back to the story...
    We walk into the house, and we both felt this immense pressure. But that was the only strange thing. We looked around the house, looked at alleged bloody handprints and bloody messages.
    I'm skeptical about the blood... some teenagers could mix up some fake stuff in their kitchen and put the handprints up themselves.
    Chad was ready to leave, and I almost was.
    The spookiest part about this house is that if you go to the basement, the door will supposedly shut behind you (it's weighted) and lock, although there's no key/dead bolt... etc. It just magically locks and stays locked.
    I was feeling like a brave little shit, so I told Chad to wait in the car and I'd be there in a minute. I seriously had to test this basement theory.
    I found the door, step inside... and sure enough, the door slammed shut behind me and it did indeed lock. I didn't think much of it. I saw some basement windows I could crawl out of, and the ceiling was pretty low so I wouldn't have much trouble.
    I took a few moments to explore the basement and found a whole lot of dust. Then, I heard the basement door reopen, and slam shut. I figured it was Chad, so I called out to him, but he said nothing. I thought nothing of this, because Chad likes to scare me.
    After a few moments, I heard feet coming down the stairs, and the air instantly dropped a few degrees in temperature. At this point, I got slightly panicked. I made my way over to a basement window, and looked towards the stairs.
    The footsteps kept coming, and at this point, I should've been able to see whoever was coming down them. But, as you can guess, the staircase was empty. The steps, however, kept coming.
    I went from slightly panicked to freaked the fuck out of my mind in like .02 seconds.

    Needless to say, I got out of that basement very very fast.
    Scariest day of my life...
  7. beckyg

    beckyg Guest

    Mar 19, 2007
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    Wonderwall's experiences is a quite a bit different than firecausesburns. Wonderwall what were you thinking going there? lol

    Fire......... is the things that are happening really that much of a problem? I would try to talk to the spirits. Not on a Ouija board or anything like that. Just ask them what they are doing there? Ask them why they haven't gone toward the light? You could either co-habitate with them or ask them to move on.

    They may be leaving you these sings that they are there because they want something from you. Have you ever checked into the history on your house or your property? That would be interesting to know. I totally believe in this kind of stuff. It happens way too much.

    Oh and I don't want to hear any "Becky is crazy" comments. :roflmao:
  8. BeautifulStranger

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    Aug 26, 2007
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    Jukjeon-dong, Yongin-si
    I wanted the town of Alpena to know that it takes a boy who kisses boys to be a man =D

    And you're not crazy. After my encounter, I'd say you've got some good ideas.
  9. riddlerno1

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    Aug 2, 2008
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    oh good lord, i think i nearly wet myself with fear reading your post wonderwall!!! i hate any sort of real life spooky stuff....just wierds me out!
  10. Kryz

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    Oct 30, 2008
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    Mexico City
    OMg I hate this stuff happening...

    I guess I need something to happen to me so I can be a little more brave lol
  11. Maddy

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    Mar 23, 2008
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    My mum's thinking about trying a spiritualist church. (That's where she and my dad went on their first date, so they're both very comfortable with those churches.)
    The weird things have been happening way more often in the last couple of weeks, but we've had a couple of things like this happening in the last couple of years - actually, come to think of it, since the time my family went away and my grandmother house-sat for us.
  12. JCal

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    Nov 26, 2008
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    Well my story isn't as awesomely awesome as wonderwalls, but here it is lol.

    I was about 12-13 and I remember sitting in my front room on the floor watching tv, and our dinning room was like connected to the living room, it could all be one room really, but how we had the couch kinda separated it. Anyways our clock was on the wall in the dinning room so I remember looking in the dining room to see what time it was and I saw what i thought was a little girl dressed in like old clothes. It was like a split second thing, like i saw it, but it was so fast that I thought I just made it up in my head. So I didn't think anything of it, but I told my cousin about it a few days later. She told me she had saw the same thing, because she stayed over my house pretty much all the time. I told her "You're not gonna believe this, I saw a ghost in my dinning room", and she was like "Oh my god! I thought i was just seeing things, was it like a little girl, dressed from like back in the day"
    It's weird because like hearing stories about ghosts or watching the "real" ghost stories on tv scare the hell out of me, but i wasn't that scared when I saw it in my own dining room.
  13. Nodnarb

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    Oct 10, 2007
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    We were talking about this just last night. My aunts both claim that the old farm-house they grew up in is inhabited by some sort of spirits. They used to be so terrified that they couldn't even sleep some nights. Supposedly, these "spirits" would only be there on certain days, so my aunts assume that they were people who lived in that house at some point(so they would be long-dead family members) who died on the days they come back to "visit" the house.

    My dad, who slept in the room next to the girls, thinks they are both crazy. He says he never saw/heard anything. But one their friends stayed there only one night and says she saw something watching her sleep, and she refused to ever come to their house again.

    My grandparents still own that house(although they rent it to another family), so I may have to go check it out some day. But that house scares me by itself, spirits or maybe that isn't the best plan.
  14. Dazed

    Dazed Guest

    Mar 22, 2007
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    Richmond VA
    a spirt lives my bathroom. she doesnt do anything...i just knows she is there haha. plus its the only cold room in my house and the rest of my house is like 80 degrees.
  15. Mickey

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    Aug 26, 2008
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    I've had some weird things happen,too. Too many to type.(I'd be here for hours!)
    The thing I was told to do is,talk to the spirit and tell them it's okay to go.
    It's like they're dead,but don't know it. Talking to them is supposed to work.
    There are many sites online. Just google "ghosts" and you'll find them.
    Don't be afraid,they won't hurt you.
  16. KatzInHatz

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    Jun 7, 2008
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    Mine ghost story isn't so scary it's kind of sweet~! ^.^

    When I was little I can't really remember my age >.< It was early in the morning and my mom, sister and I were living in a small house because we weren't doing financially well, I felt someone brushing my face with their hand as if saying it's going to be all right, and I opened my eyes a little and I swear I saw my great grandmother~! Then when I opened my eyes all the way there was no one there O.O It was kind of creepy and comforting at the same time.
  17. BeautifulStranger

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    Aug 26, 2007
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    Jukjeon-dong, Yongin-si
    That's really cute and sweet

    I'm glad I'm not the only person here who's had close encounters. Most people don't believe me.

    I think I want to go back to that house and try talking to the 'thing'. My theory is that the thing was one of the victims of the two men. Maybe I should bring an offering of flowers or something to show my sorrow for them.
  18. Daniel

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    Jun 4, 2008
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    As far as we know we have 56 ghosts in our house alone (Not to mention the whole property). Needless to say I believe you.
  19. Markio

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    Oct 15, 2008
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    In the drama crowd in my high school there was Rachel, the Little Theatre ghost, as well as Juanita, the backstage maid. They were just fabrications, like Tucker, the Musical Theatre ghost! I made up his story: he received the lead role of the musical, but because he was a freshman and the seniors hazed him badly, he hung himself from the one light above the stage that doesn't work. That's why there were faint blood stains on the stage floor below it. Of course, the "blood" was just old paint, and the light got fixed eventually...

    My mom lost her wedding ring once while throwing a tennis ball to the dog in the backyard. It slipped off her finger, and she searched for it for weeks. Finally she searched online about willing the lost item to reappear. So she meditated and prayed to God, went and looked in the opposite direction for her ring. She parted the branches of a shrub, and there was the ring.

    I've never really experienced anything supernatural, but I get freaked out easily anyway. I'm always afraid to leave a bathroom for fear that someone is waiting on the other side to GET me! And I tend to cover my head with my blanket when I sleep because I'm afraid someone might be kneeling next to my bed, staring at me.

    I sometimes dig through the trash at my dormitory, but the fourth floor recycling rooms are so scary. They're just rooms with garbage cans, but the vents from the air conditioning can be really loud because heat rises to the fourth floor and so it's usually on full blast up there, I guess. Whenever I open the door to leave the room, the air pressure changes in the recycling room and makes a moaning sound, and so I end up running down the stairs in playful fright. One time I entered the room, and there was no doorknob on the inside: Augh! I had to pry the door open with my fingernails and make a break for it!
  20. One time
    I spent the night at my friends house.

    So we decided to sneak out late at night and go pool hopping.
    She lived up in the woods, so not very many people were around.
    On the way there was a long stretch of woods. Eventually somebody whistled a long whistle.
    We froze, looking for any signs of anybody. And then, out of the blue somebody shined a light on us. Then quickly shut it off.

    We stood still, and then we heard somebody running towards us.
    We ran straight back to her house.

    We got lost on the way back to her house.
    We stopped to figure out where we were. And then something right behind her meowed.

    And pushed her. But she was already running so she didn't fall.
    We ran all night trying to figure out where her house was.
    Eventually we found it, but there was somebody standing in front of her door.
    And then from all directions something was whistling at us. She started to cry.
    And I whispered that in her ear, at the count of three we would run to the back door that lead to her room. We reached her room. She quickly searched for her keys. And then the meowing started again. Followed by a fake bird call, and then a scream right behind us. She pushed the door open, and we ran inside. Quickly closing the door behind us.

    Whatever was out there banged hard on the door all night.

    We laid on the floor crying.
    We stayed up all night. Listening.

    In the morning it was all over. But outside they left a picture of my friend, Jamie.
    Bending over to pick up a cat.

    Later that week, 5 dead foxes were in her front yard.
    All with their heads cut off.

    One day, went walking around the woods outside her house.
    We found an area in the woods where a bunch of spoons were left shoved in the dirt with the spoon part buried.

    After I moved she later told me, a girl was found dead close to her house.
    Burnt from head to toe.
    She later gave me the link to the incident.
    To the newspaper website.

    During the summer I stayed at her house again.
    We stayed in her room
    Taking pictures of each other

    And in all the pictures of me
    You can see little faces around my head screaming..

    Who knows.
    In this world of ours, something is always lurking in the shadows.
    Regardless of it being good or bad.

    Its always there.
    You just have to realize when to walk away.

    Jamie was later "raped" in her woods, or so she told me.

    But Jamie had problems.
    For a little while I believed her, but I later figured out she was a pathological liar....

    Anyways, the moral of the story.
    Is to never use a ouija board, because once you do.
    You open doors you wont be able to close....

    I want pie.