Getting desperate.

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by Bunny, Nov 18, 2008.

  1. Bunny

    Full Member

    Oct 17, 2008
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    I wish I could put into words how I'm feeling right now.

    Hopeless, maybe. Frustrated, miserable.

    Between school (I'm failing) and home (no social life, lol) and PEOPLE in general, I'm getting desperate. Losing faith that things will ever get better. I'm trapped in this body, doomed to be ALONE for the rest of my life.

    I know that nobody here even knows me, and I don't know you. But I don't really have any other friends to talk to.

    In short: I'm going crazy. What am I supposed to do?

    EDIT: Wow, that does sound a little dramatic, doesn't it? Oh well, I was upset...
    #1 Bunny, Nov 18, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2008
  2. You are 15 years old. One mistake many kids make is buying into the lie that the teenage years are as good as it gets. You must learn to dispel such treacherous thoughts.

    On average, assuming you die of natural causes, you have 65-75 years left to have a satisfying life, and after that... Well, I'm not going to tell you what to believe.

    Anybody who is not braindead can make passing grades in school. I'm going to assume that your failing grade is mainly in math (correct me if I'm wrong, but this will still apply). You have a powerful brain. It is constantly performing mathematical calculations without you even knowing, and you take it for granted. All you need to do is train it to apply these calculations to your homework. How? Start by paying attention in class, taking notes, asking questions. You'll find that most Algebra problems are as easy as multiplying and dividing a few numbers, and sometimes remembering a rule or two. My point is, the brain can be trained to do anything with a little effort.

    I don't know if you're an introvert or an extrovert, but they both need social interaction. One cannot be totally independent of others. Self-sustaining, yes, but without social interaction, you'll go mad. I suspect you know this.

    Making friends is not that hard. What I do is find a small group of people, not too obtrusive or noisy, and start sitting down with them for lunch and following them around. If you be yourself (and no, that does not mean telling them that you're Trans/Gay), then they won't reject you. You may even get invited to a few parties. If I can do it, you can too -- trust me.

    Pick up a hobby. Looking at your interests, I see...

    So you like video games? Do you know what good gamers make? They make good game-makers. If you are good with computers, I would suggest getting into computer programming. It's fun, easy, and it can make some SERIOUS dough. If you need pointers, just ask me more about it on my wall.

    Most of all, keep a positive outlook. I know you've heard that before, but hear me out.

    Look at the American economy. It's a trainwreck, right? But take a closer look. You'll find that it's all in the head of the consumer. If the consumer feels that the economy is bad, the consumer will cut spending, causing businesses to lose money, causing the economy to go sour like this. It's all in our heads. The amazing power of the mind at work again...

    Likewise, if you have a negative attitude, you'll give up. You will feel that there is no reason to even try. You'll stop applying yourself to your work at school. Even lose a friend here and there.

    However, if you maintain a positive attitude towards life, you'll actually give a damn. You will try hard and achieve. Your confidence will show in your schoolwork and in your social life. You may even land a job somewhere, who knows?

    So don't you fret. Just start applying yourself and aim for success. It's easier than it sounds, and seems less corny in practice than it does when I preach it to you here.

    Keep in touch.
  3. Trystan

    Full Member

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Southampton, UK
    keep at it (life) :grin:
    talk to us as often as you can, we're all really friendly :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Since I joined in the summer, i've managed to get on here much more than i expected and it's really helped me. The times I thought I was going crazy, I just wrote stuff down and waited for a chance to get on here.
    Also, take ProfessorLepus's advice. I've often felt the same as you - before the summer holidays, I thought my life was doomed - everything felt wrong, and I couldn't see a way out. After a refreshing 6 weeks off, away from everyone, I approached life with a much more positive outlook, and have felt much better because of it.

    And for the record, things WILL get better... If you don't find it easy to make friends up front, like face to face with someone, then make friends on here (or any other forums) - you're likely to meet someone close to home that you can connect with.
    Unfortunately I'm in the UK, so not much hope there, though I'm hoping to go to Canada soon :grin:

    Hope any of that helped... twas just a ramble really
  4. mikeyjames17

    Regular Member

    Nov 11, 2008
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    Out to everyone
    I think the proffessor said it all =]
    Very good advice from his part.
    But i do know how you feel. But as a teenager, it is normal to blow our minute problems way up big. To people who are looking in on your life they may say your being over dramatic, but so long as its a big problem to you then thats the deal. All i can say is, teenage years are the start of your social life, I mean the friends you make in the next few years and at university could be friends you have for the rest of your life =]
    So don't worry. It will happen for ya! Promise.
  5. Bunny

    Full Member

    Oct 17, 2008
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    Wow...thanks. I wasn't expecting to get usable advice out of this. o-o
  6. The advice I give comes with the hope that people will actually use it. I don't give crap advice just to make my post count go up. You can overcome all this, I believe in you.
  7. Trystan

    Full Member

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Southampton, UK
    how's it going since this happened? Has the advice helped at all? Things changed?