Chris Crocker, William Sledd, Jeffree Star...!!!!

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by SqueakyBubbles9, Jul 22, 2008.

  1. So, how do you guys feel about any of these guys? I know there's more, but these 3 seem to be the most popular.

    Do any of you feel ashamed or have a feeling that they (if any) give gays a bad name?

    I personally think that Chris Crocker is funny. I don't agree with a lot of the things he says, but he does make valid points when he talks about homophobes or intolerance or loving yourself or not being codependent.

    I personally love William Sledd because I'm into fashion as well, and I think that he's the cleanest of these individuals. Although he has stopped making youtube videos... :frowning2:

    And Jeffree Star...he's just crazy. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

    So, how do you guys feel about these people? This isn't meant to cause some sort of wacky debate, I'm just curious to know what you guys think.
  2. LostBoy

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    Jul 6, 2008
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    I think like chris crocker is HIGH-larious
    and hes just being his crazy self
    he brings humor while making me laugh until i cry
    yet still brings a very valid point across

    as for the others i really dont watch them
  3. Mind Freak

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    Jul 21, 2008
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    I only know about Chris Crocker and even then I don't know much about him.

    On "The Soup" on E! they showed one of his videos when he was singing like the brittany spears song and he was crawling on the floor in tidy whiteys and heels.... not a good look at all.

    I almost gagged. Lol.
  4. brighteyes52

    brighteyes52 Guest

    Chris: I used to think he gave us a bad name, until i really watched his videos. He is really wise and makes excellent points and has amazing views. Say what you will about him, he's just being himself.

    William: I really like him actually. He's cute and adorable and all that, and he loves fashion. His videos are fun, I see nothing wrong with that.

    Jeffree: If you would know me, you would know that I LOVE jeffree. His music isn't the best out there, but it is fun and makes you sing along and his live shows are amazing. The reason I admire him so much is because he believes so strongly in being yourself and never letting anyone tell you differently no matter if your gay, how you dress, what you look like, etc. He is the person he wants to be and makes no excuses and he is helping a lot of people as well.
  5. Yes, I agree about Jeffree. Actually, his songs are very catchy, and I find some of them glamorous (in a Jeffree Star sort of way)

    So it sounds like you've been to his shows. How are they? Do people get crazy? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

    I also think that the fact he talks crap about people and doesn't care what anyone else thinks is pretty impressive in this world we live in. In his words, "I am the biggest *bleep* talker on earth" (or something similar)

    And don't worry, I did bleep the S word :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
  6. Arrk

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    Jul 1, 2008
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    I've only heard of Chris Crocker so I'll just comment on him.

    What he says about the gay community is true most of the time and I really like what he says sometimes. But, to be honest- yes, he does give gay people a bad name. I'm not saying that I think that, but most of the time when other people watch his videos, they just point out his appearance and it just "validates" the homosexual stereotype they've always had.
  7. I think that the people who point out his looks are ignorant. I do agree with you, I've read some of those comments. However, who said that Chris represented every single gay person in the world? That's what makes others ignorant too. But yes, it is a problem that we all face as well.
  8. brighteyes52

    brighteyes52 Guest

    His shows are pretty crazy actually. You wouldn't expect it, but everyone in the pit just gets shoved and pushed around and they seriously lose their minds, myself included. Plus he always brings fans on stage for 'We Want Cunt' and they dance with him which is awesome.. and the first show i went to he had just started touring, and after his set he came out and took a picture with every person that wanted one! There was about 150 kids and he didn't care.

    Actually I have a pretty cool story about him.. After he took a picture with me, I showed him the tattoo I had gotten of him and he was all excited. He actually allowed me to stay with him while he finished up with the other fans.. me, him, and his manager just stood there and talked for a good 15 minutes. He's a really down to earth person, and people give him so much shit for just being himself. People don't realise how decent and what a stand up person he really is. :icon_wink
  9. Jebs

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    Jun 16, 2008
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    I hate Chris Crocker. Hate. Hate. Hate. I think he is disgusting. 'Eat my corn hole.' No, please die.

    William Sledd is harmless. I don't have anything positive to say but I don't have anything negative either.

    Jefree... Eh. No thanks.
  10. Wander

    Wander Guest

    Jan 23, 2008
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    I started out not knowing what to think of Chris, but now I really can't stand him. It started when he began his "I represent the gay community" deal, and he continues to enforce negative stereotypes. He's hurting his own cause, and he's hurting people who have no connection to him. It's people like him that push the tired old "gay men are just straight women in different bodies" generalization, and I'm finding it hard to forgive him for it. His intentions are good, and he has every right to act the way he feels his best, but when he starts publicizing himself and reassuring everyone that we really are just "bitches in makeup"....uggh. Please stop.

    I can't say much better for Sledd. I've only seen a few videos of his, but I can already tell I don't like him much. He's marginally attractive, but once again, he manages to revive the fashion obsessed, lispy, catty stereotype that I've spent years trying to clear. Honestly, I would have no problem with them if they just went about their business, it's when they start tossing around the idea of being representatives of our kind that I get frustrated.

    This is the first time I've heard of Jeffree Star, and I don't feel motivated enough to bother looking him up. Nothing more to say.
  11. MusicIsLife

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    Dec 31, 2007
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    I love chris, i think william is funny, and Jeffree pisses me the hell off. I can rant for hours about how much i hate him.
  12. paint

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    Mar 26, 2008
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    wow. quite a variety of opinions.
    ____I feel sorry for chris, because he's a bit out there. But he has his dreams and aspirations just like everyone else I think. He's really the only one I know about and he's my friend on Myspace.
    ___ and yeah unfortunately people have used him to stereotype the community, but I think they would have found a way to do that anyway. I hope there will be more people to represent us someday.

    wait. GANDALF is gay!!!...but old.:rolleyes:
  13. lolz

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    Jun 23, 2008
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    i hate chris.. i want to punch him when he says eat my cornhole LOL..

    i dont know much about william sooo...

    I love Jeffree's music, it is very catchy. some of the lyrics would make you feel embarrased if someone found you listening to it, but it is very catchy.

    anyone know who matthew lush is?
  14. sexyalex

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    Dec 23, 2007
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    Other 2...meh. they r ok

    however, Chris Crocker. Big fan.
    In fact i spoke to him a few times before. I kinda can relate to his personality and he is one of those people u should respect but rnot because they look weird and anct freaky; but because they are honest people. :dry:

    He is a comedian if u want to put it that way so his videos are to make people laugh. But the way people slaughter him with unkind words, especially homosexuals...sometimes it really pisses me off cuz its being hypocritical. And the common quotes "he gives gays a bad name" is just rubbish.

    Howe can he give gays a bad name? Cris crocker is cris corcker, gays are gays. He does not represent, or stand in person or representation for any gay alliance or homosexual group of conduct so how is he creating a bad image. Hearing a gay person say that is just as idiotic as hearing a sterotypical hetrosexual person say all gays act like that(even when they know deep down that 1/2 homosexuals are so straight acting u could never tell) but people don't check what comes out their mouth.

    They just speak.

    So debatable? heck yea it is! Chris Crocker suppora fa life!:lol:
  15. Jebs

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    Jun 16, 2008
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    Yea. Matthew is about close to my type. Except his lisp. I can't stand it... and he is a die hard vegan. I eat meat. .... Hmmm...
  16. lolz

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    Jun 23, 2008
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    haha i am a vegetarian so i am in between.. i love how he has is stomach peirced in those two spots.. i drool every time i see it.. if i were a bit skinnier i would get it done
  17. -Michael-

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    Jun 17, 2008
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    Middlesbrough, North-east England
    Ive only herd of Chris crocker...

    He is absolutely hilarious...
    but he's done about as much for the gay community as the WBC has...


  18. Thank you for sharing your story! I enjoyed reading it. Sounds like he's not bad at all. I look up to him because he isn't scared of being himself, and he won't let anyone bring him down.

    Matt Lush...meh. I used to like him, but something happened along the way and I just lost interest. I don't think he's as legit as he presents himself to be. However, that's only my opinion :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
  19. jazzrawr

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    Feb 12, 2008
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    I like Chris Crocker, because he's funny sometimes and no matter how crazy he is, his views make sense. And he seems really sweet :slight_smile:

    He's soooo funny. I mean, i'm not really into fashion and all that, but he ALWAYS makes me laugh! XD He's great.

    I don't know much about Jefree Star, but i think i like him. XD
    He seems pretty cool. :slight_smile:
  20. Andy21

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    Jul 28, 2007
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    Cornwall, UK
    I find Chris Crocker nauseating, but I do like William Sledd. I loved it when he went out on the streets with his camera, that was fun.

    Never heard of Jeffree Star, should I have?