
Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by pressured, Apr 30, 2008.

  1. pressured

    Regular Member

    Jan 1, 2008
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    some place in Montana that isn't even on the map
    i just lost a friend cause i'm to weird and i guess creepy for them :bang: :bang: :bang: WHY CAN'T I BE NORMAL FOR ONCE:tears: :tears:
  2. Vampyrecat

    Full Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    1 hour east of Portland, Vic.
    Hi Pressured.

    Firstly, friends do not ditch each each other because they're a little weird or different.
    Having been in this situation only a few weeks ago, I can very easily relate to you.

    Secondly, I can assure you that whatever is going on, you are just as normal as anybody else is. Besides, who really defines what "Normal" is? Only the kids who feel that they need to fit into certain stereotypes, people who want to "fit in".

    High school is full of people who don't really know what they want from life, and so they just take out all their confusion and hurt on people who are lovely caring people by making them feel like they aren't normal, creepy, nerdy, weird etc.

    I think you should have a serious talk with this person. They may be going through something and taking it out on you, or they might just not know how to cope with life. either way, you need to talk about it, and say how you feel about this situation, while allowing your friend to say their side. It will hurt probably, but try to stay strong and keep a cool head okay?

    Hope this helps.
  3. GunStarre

    GunStarre Guest

    First, being normal... it doesn't exist.
    If a friend leaves you because he or she finds you creepy or weird, then don't bother thinking of "why's" and forget them. Those are the type of people you try and avoid because they're just not worth it... period.

    Everyone has something that might be considered "weird," but in truth, it's what makes you... you. Those characteristics that people perceive as weird or creepy are essentially what makes you unique.

    And seriously, who wants to live in a place where everyone has to follow a social norm and be completely unoriginal?
  4. Quitex

    Quitex Guest

    I am sorry to hickjack this thread, but...

    Not "follow it" but at least "know what that is and be able to mold me to that". It really pisses me off that whenever I try to make new friends or to hang out with people the only thing they see is a "femenine nerd fat guy". ARGH.


    Regarding your friend, I guess that it has been already pointed out: Sit down and talk with him. You will never know what is going throuhg his head if you don't take your time and asks for it. (*hug*)
  5. Jim1454

    Full Member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    You have to be yourself. Trying to be someone you're not only messes you up in the long run. However, if there are things you are doing that make people feel uncomfortable, maybe you do need to step back and think about these things and see if you should change. Nobody is perfect, and not many people I've met are really 'normal' either!

    Good luck!
  6. Grof142007

    Full Member

    Apr 27, 2007
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    High Point,North Carolina
    sucks for them i'll be your new friend. We can go Dance, Sing to music =) ill even listen to you play the guitar.

  7. Louise

    Full Member

    Sep 19, 2007
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    Not much of a friend if she can just drop you like that. What do you do that you feel is weird or creepy?
  8. ccdd

    ccdd Guest

    Hey, I'm really sorry you feel like this (*hug*) (*hug*) (*hug*).
    I'm pretty sure your friend isn't acting like this because you're "weird" - and if they have decided you're "weird", and you feel you've lost them because of it, then they are in truth no friend at all.

    As I don't know the details I can only offer generic advice, which would be to try and talk to them, and if they don't see sense, you will have to cut your losses - I know it's probably completely different, but when I was your age I often broke up and then made up with friends - so hopefully it'll be alright :slight_smile:.

    If you still feel you need help, but don't want to post the details on the board, feel free to PM me. But I hope you manage to sort it.
  9. pressured

    Regular Member

    Jan 1, 2008
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    some place in Montana that isn't even on the map

    I really don't know what make me creepy i was just on myspace asking him whats up and he replyed not much and what not and asked me the same so i told him i was just getting ready to get in the shower and i was tired and felt like a zombie all day and i never seen anything weird with it at all my friends are usually telling me there going to shower or whatever there doing so that we don't wonder about eachother and when i got out i saw another comment he said "you know your really creepy right i'm being totally serious" and i said i knew that all ready pretty much and was going to laugh it off and he wrote back a big long paragraph saying how its not hard to be normal and i should try it sometimes i was already feeling a thightening in my heart cause all my friends are like family so i wrote back one last time and said that there is no such thing as normal and he deleted me just like that i mean c'mon i've been friends with him ever since middle school and even when he moved away i was there for a little support when he told me he was gay and afraid of his dad disowning him if he found out which never happened i just kinda feel used and like i just lost a part of my own family.

    thanks (*hug*) music is my life i am learning to play guitar i'm really bad though

    i would love to talk with him but he lives to far away and blocked me from his myspace so i think if he had a problem he wouldn't be talking to me now :confused:
  10. smartguy

    Regular Member

    Jan 8, 2008
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    new jersey
    sounds like your friend is a drama queen lol
    i think this will either:
    A) blow over and he'll come to his senses
    B) he'll stay mad/upset (or whatever he is), in which case its not worth the effort to get him back