The final state of the union

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Gustav, Jan 28, 2008.

  1. Gustav

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    Jan 4, 2008
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    You may hate George Bush, you might like him; that's for you to decide. I personally don't like some of his policies, but i do like a few. now that Bush has spoke his last State of the Union speech, I think back on the past seven years and. . . I think i am glad I had him as a president (rather than Gore or Kerry). Of course Gay Marriage was almost banned through an amendment almost past, NASA funding was cut, and thousands of our men and women died in combat, but aside from that, I don't think Bush did that bad of a job (don't laugh).

    I would rate him a 6/10 as a president- since compared to half the presidents America has had, he was ok (America has had a lot of bad presidents, but a few really good ones).

    What would you score Bush at? Are you excited he is leaving?

    I personally am happy he is leaving, since it is time for some fresh air.
  2. beckyg

    beckyg Guest

    Mar 19, 2007
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    Oh my gosh, I give him a 3. Have you forgotten about the Katrina disaster?
  3. Perrygay

    Perrygay Guest

    I have the countdown calander. I AM SO PUMPED THAT HE'S LEAVING!!!!!!!!!!

    I'd give him a 1/10. That's really being too generous, but I'm sure he did something kind of alright somewhere along the line...I just can't recall one at the moment.

    He didn't finish getting our revenge in Afghanistan, he invaded Iraq for no reason, gay rights were almost banned IN THE CONSTITUTION, and we lost the respect of almost every country worldwide. I'd say he did pretty down right terrible.
  4. Astaroth

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    Nov 1, 2007
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    I think you just made my case for me. 0/10. The man is a disgrace to his position. As a person, I don't care either way for him. I certainly don't hate him, nor do I like him. However, as a president he certainly did a lot to undermine progress. No thanks. Next please!
  5. I'd give him a 6/10 too. Some policy was unwise (trying to ban gay marriage for example), but I did feel generally safer under him after 9/11 and felt he did the job as best he knew how.
  6. panda

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    Aug 13, 2007
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    As a Canadian I'm only an observer.I'd have to rate Bush as the worst president in the history of the USA.He has personally bankrupted the country with his uncalled for war and other fiscal policies.He has irreparably destroyed any hope for any sort of accord with most middle east countries for generations in the future.As far as safer that's a joke.Before his meddling in the east they disliked the West. Now thanks to Bush and Cheney those people hate and detest the USA with unfathomable fury.
    They should both be impeached and removed from society.
    It's unfortunate that a power as dominate as the USA once was could have elected such a complete moron, not only once but twice. RIP USA
  7. dictionary

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    Sep 4, 2007
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    as im from australia i dont know mutch but....
    Healthcare...(im not sure if its that good over in the USA....or is it?)
    Obesity...(quite a "large" problem in the us?)
    The Economy.... Two Verry Large Economic Slumps??? Just after 9/11 and now ??? (or am i wrong?)
    The war...(enough said)
    Climate change....(whats that?)
    Im Probs Wrong but thats what i think anyway
  8. Gerry

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    Jan 17, 2008
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    I would have to rate him as a 2/10. I mean nothing has really been done beneficial since he's been president and it seems like America in general has gone downhill in the last 7 years. I would much have rather seen Gore and Kerry in office than Bush. I can't wait till he leaves and we welcome Hillary. :icon_wink
  9. TheMusicMan

    TheMusicMan Guest

    This ignoramus is undeserving of a rating.
  10. Nicvcer

    Nicvcer Guest

    Evil... Corruption...
  11. TheMusicMan

    TheMusicMan Guest

    I say we make an amendment to the Constitution so that anybody from the religious right will be barred from the White House in the future. :icon_wink
  12. Gerry

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    Jan 17, 2008
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    I completely agree with you. We should look into that. That would be the best thing that's happened to this country in a long time! Lol.
  13. TheMusicMan

    TheMusicMan Guest

    Wishful thinking, of course. No matter, logic and reason will take care of this over time. (Though not as quickly as an amendment would!) :slight_smile:
  14. xequar

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    Mar 20, 2007
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    Can I rate him with a negative? GW and his cronies have set the United States on a collision course with its now-impending doom. We're almost 10 trillion dollars in debt, the dollar itself is losing value at a blinding rate, the Patriot Act has made swiss cheese out of the Constitution, most of the world at best hates us and at worst wants to blow us to kingdom come, we're mired in an immoral war that has done nothing except kill and maim a bunch of innocent people, the poor have gotten poorer, the number of people living in poverty has gone up under GW...

    This nation will need a lot of time to recover from the disasterous presidency of George W. Bush.
  15. Psychedelic Bookmarks

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    Oct 24, 2007
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    as a briton i can't say with authority... but i would also give him a 1/10. he was not as bad as pol pot, and.... no, wait, that's it. he was not as bad as pol pot.
  16. Ty

    Ty Guest

    And then he decided to somehow convince our prime minister to declare war =/
    Blah, hopefully your next president will be better :slight_smile: 2008 will be interesting.
  17. Temujin

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    Jan 21, 2008
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    Bush is possibly the worst president EVER. Him and Cheney started a war so all the Halliburton execs and shareholders could retire in wealth and splendor. In the meantime our children's children will be wrestling with the national debt their policies will leave behind. They used the gay community to scare up votes from uneducated and ignorant Americans who are the majority, sadly. Bush did nothing to hid his blatant cronyism by trying to put COMPLETE IDIOTS into high offices (yes, let's put the Texas gambling chairman in charge of our education system, that makes perfect sense....NOT). Or how about the horse breeder in charge of national emergency management. Oh, and let's not forget Mr. Gonzalez who had several attorney generals FIRED because they questioned Bush's policies. And then there is the Patriot Act so cleverly named as to make suspect anyone in our Congress who would not vote for it. What would the average (ignorant, misinformed, or just plain stupid) American think if they found out their congressman/woman voted against a billed named The Patriot Act?? Please. That policy has not helped us fight terrorism, it has helped maintain the stranglehold of FEAR this office has wrapped around America since 9/11. What about 'Condy' Rice? The woman who claims she knows so much about history yet could not predict what would happen if we invaded Iraq? Let's not forget all the CORPORATE TAX CUTS this administration and prior republican Congress passed. Did you know that Bush would not sign the original energy bill proposed this month because it revoked all of the big oil company tax credits/breaks that HE HIMSELF CREATED. Yes, Congress had to remove those revocations before he would sign the bill into law.

    Bush along with Karl Rove and Dick Cheney are more crooked than a minister's prick. They have done more to undermine democracy, free speech, and the economy than any administration in history. They have abused the average middle class American so that they could line their own pockets with money stained with the blood of American soldiers. The year-long news coverage of the Bill Clinton Lewinsky scandal pales in comparison to the atrocities this administration has committed and yet the national news media and average American think nothing of it.

    The simple truth is that, without Cheney and Rove, Bush wouldn't know how to get out of a wet paper bag on a rainy day. The man is an idiot, a liar, and a hypocrit who would send other American sons and daughters off to fight an unjust war while he himself did everything within his power to avoid Vietnam. He's a drug addict, an alcoholic, and a thief. I have a tremendous amount of HATE for him and I hope he dies a lonely, broken old man when he realizes how he nearly DESTROYED AMERICA as soon as the next generation of historians start sorting all this shit out and writing TRUTH.

    Gah. Anger and sadness all around.
  18. Perrygay

    Perrygay Guest

    Bush is a terrible president, but the fact that there's a large percentage of the population that's overweight isn't Bush's fault. Lol I know it's off topic, but I love how foreigners think all Americans are fat, it's cute :slight_smile:
    #18 Perrygay, Jan 29, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2008
  19. Ty

    Ty Guest

    Well In the UK, theyre trying to encourage healthy foods and school cafeterias arent allowed to serve certain foods anymore. Has america done anything like that?
  20. Perrygay

    Perrygay Guest

    That's up to the states to decide and really has nothing to do with Bush. Nothing susbstantial concerning obesity has even crossed his desk.