The Daily Grind...

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Steam Giant, Nov 26, 2007.

  1. Steam Giant

    Full Member

    Apr 10, 2007
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    Northeastern Pennsylvania, USA
    For those who don't know, I work at home, keying hard copies of insurence claims into a database from a work PC my company has loaned me. I can't recall exactly when I began working on Sunday morning, but I do remember that the sun was rising. I worked the entire day, and all through the night, taking occasional short breaks to keep from going insane. I have just completed my work, and the sun is rising again. I'm not sure how to feel about that ^^`````````

    Does anybody else have any similar work experiences you want to share? Very long work hours, very difficult work, whichever inspires the dirty-nailed salute of the working man/woman!
  2. xequar

    Full Member

    Mar 20, 2007
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    Detroit area, Michigan
    Welcome to corporate hell, my friend. Far too many people are subject to it. Being in video myself and working on live shows, sometimes on the night before a big event, crew call will be at 6:00 a.m. and we won't be let go until Midnight. Then, crew call will be at 6:00 a.m. to make sure everything's in place for a 9:00 a.m. event. It can be brutal!
  3. sdc91

    Full Member

    Nov 17, 2007
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    The Castro, San Francisco, California
    A couple years ago there were days that I had to leave for school at 5:40 AM and I would have to stay until 10:00 PM due to after school activities and rehearsals. Then I would get home at 10:20 and do homework until 2 AM. Then I would go to sleep then have get up again to leave at 5:40 AM . . .

    That happened for like 3 weeks straight. I was soooo tired all the time.
  4. xxAngelOnFirexx

    Full Member

    Mar 2, 2007
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    well i never had a job because no one would hire me at 15. i'll be starting up and art business soon for drawing customized pet photos. but its a lot of work,. gotta make up the prices for everything, making sure i have all the materials (my collection is like an art studio) and then get my portfolio together, then make a flyers, then give out flyers. i'm just starting to get things together. got the prices and main stuff i want on the flyers. i'm currently drawing some pet pics to add to my porfolio (i only have cats so far.) i haven't had a paying job yet but i know relatives and their friends are interested. it'd be cool to be my own boss and my own employees. and all the money goes to me! (and to paying for supplies like paper, pencils and stuff). its just getting me to work on this thats hard. as much as i enjoy it i still have other work to do. hopefully it'll be put together by the end of christmas break!

    but work is work! thats why its call 'work'. but its better than slave labor because you get paid! (even if its not very much at all)
  5. joeyconnick

    joeyconnick Guest

    Apr 12, 2005
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    Toronto, ON
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    Out to everyone
    I've been reading about your new job and I'm just hoping you're getting REALLY well paid for the crazy hours and volume of stuff you're doing.

    As for me, the busiest I ever was in a job was when I somehow ended up in charge of a support department of like 20 people at an Internet start-up when I was just 24. I had no experience or training to manage people, or a department, but there I was doing it. I would frequently work 10 to 12 hour days at the office, go home and do more work, and often work 6 days a week. In addition, I had to do a lot of travel, and don't make the same mistake I did and think that travel for work is fun: it's AWFUL! You're all alone in some buttfuck middle of nowhere town and the only time you have to yourself you're too tired to want to do anything.

    Yeah, anyway... it was an insane, extremely stressful job that I could never leave at the office. (At one point I interrupted a vacation to fly to some other part of the US because "you're the only one who can go." That's when I really began to wonder if the job was worth it.)

    Extremely long story short: if anyone's in a similar situation, it's not worth the stress or the money. Ever. If you can't unwind and can't have time to yourself, find another line of work/job and get your butt out of the situation you're in. Your mental and physical health will thank you. (Plus for most of the time I was doing it, the money wasn't even that good.)
  6. Paul_UK

    Paul_UK Guest

    Nov 23, 2004
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    I can confirm that. The inside of airports, the inside of hotels and the inside of factories is not exciting. Invariably as Joey says you are in the middle of nowhere or someone you would never visit out of choice, are working long hours, and your spare time is spent eating and sleeping. If you schedule a clear weekend at the end, you can be sure the job will over-run and you'll be working it....
  7. Steam Giant

    Full Member

    Apr 10, 2007
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    Northeastern Pennsylvania, USA
    Heh actually, I'm really not ^^` I'll find out on thursday how much I got for all that work, but my prediction is $200.00 for that last pay period, which is really, really bad!

    The thing is, to make enough money for employment here to be worthwhile, you need to be able to process 150 claims per day monday-thursday, then a bunch more on the weekend. I've only been doing 50 claims per day, and only today did they up me to 100, which is going to take some getting used to (as well as result in even less personal time!). All it takes is practice, since with practice comes speed, and with speed comes a higher work volume, which naturally results in more money.

    I wasn't the only one to request more work over the thanksgiving break, though ^^ not by a longshot! I took home 250 claims on the day before thanksgiving, due the monday after. My step-brother took home THREE THOUSAND!!! O.O

    But as I'd said before, even if the money isn't worth the time I'm putting into this, working at home is a gigantic perk. Especially since I have social anxiety disorder, heh. I may have been working like crazy last sunday, but at least I wasn't terrified of customers!
  8. TriBi

    Full Member

    Dec 23, 2004
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    I have the benefit of working for myself. BUT...with what I do, I end up working crazy hours for about 2.5 weeks of every month, then at a far more relaxed pace for the rest.

    Read "10+ hr days, 6 days a week" for the busy part, then the ability to "have a life" - and even a couple of days off and a few half days for the rest. I'm sorta used to it tho' - and don't mind it too much. Also - if I'm really efficient with my time use at the back end of the month - I can disappear and go away for a day or few. In reality - I often just tend to spend more time online here and elsewhere...
  9. Louise

    Full Member

    Sep 19, 2007
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    Once a year at the end of every year (for about two months) I have to prepare the next year's catalogue of parts to sell. 2 years ago I was working from 6 am to 11 am non stop, ended up putting a bed and shower at work so that I didn't have to waste time going home.... everyone was asleep anyway. Nearly killed myself with exhaustion! Then I started the same system several months later when the building needed work. 6am to 9 am work on the building 9am to 8pm everyday work. Not condusive to a happy family life, mummy always grumpy and tired so I have tried not to do that again!

    This year I hired someone to do the graft, phew I just oversee the catalogue! I have regained my life and my family!

    I think now that if you are working ridiculously long hours, for little pay then you need to ask yourself why. Why are you burying yourself in work? what is it in your life that you don't want to face up to? When you get the answers to those questions it is easier to put some perspective on your life.
  10. Jim1454

    Full Member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    When I first started working, I was a real keener. The company I worked for was FULL of keeners, and long hours were the norm. I went for about a 3 week stretch when I'd get home long after the rest of my family was asleep and would be up and out before any of them were up. I lasted 6 years with that company, and for the most part I enjoyed it. Plus my salary had nearly doubled in that time. However, when I changed jobs I was AMAZED at the different pace, and the acceptance of people having a family life as well as a work life! It was much more conducive to having kids. Plus, the money was even better! Changing jobs was a real 'no-brainer' at the time and I have never regretted it.