HOW TO ROLE-PLAY (so we can start)

Discussion in 'Fun and Games' started by xxAngelOnFirexx, Jun 11, 2007.

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  1. xxAngelOnFirexx

    Full Member

    Mar 2, 2007
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    Well here is how to role play courtsey of 'Aisha' from PENDRAGON ADVENTURE FORUMS. It's a little blunt but that will help you be good role-players. i can't say how many times i've played a crummy role-play with some people who couldn't even type a full paragraph of material.

    "If you are a newb, you need to truly learn the art of RPing. As well as I can put it, Role Playing is writting a book in a group, while one only controls their own characters. One insteracts with in the story.

    You need to develope a character, choose how they will react to certain things BEFORE you start an RP with them. Don't build them as you go along, they'll change, and you'll character then will not be constant, and thus.. BAD!!

    Before you decide that you will make your own RP, you need to be a middle level RPer. Not just starting. I think, that to make your own RP, you need to have been RPing frequently for a month. I would prefer if you made an RP if you were higher middle level, but oh well. You can't always get what you want.

    Also, don't be angry when your RP doesn't go the way YOU want it to. It will go any ways the RPers take it. But in the beginning, if you want it to go a certain place, tell the RPers.


    Basics that all people need to know!

    God-modding and Power Playing! There IS a difference, and you can't juxtapose one for another!

    God Modding is being inhumaly powerful!
    Power PLaying is controling another's character!
    See the difference?


    So, you want to have a overdone character... fine, I can't stop you, but at east put a twist on it. Your chacter is the overdone goth, put them in bright colors. They are trying to hide they are depressed...
    ((edit: do whatever you want))

    Alsom don't say "and all faded to black." You know how many times I've read that? TOO MANY, that's how many! Just put "and all faded." No need to for black!

    Also, don't so the baggy pant, tight shirt thing... I've seen a lot of characters like.. and as I hate to admit it, I've done it too.

    Don't to Heaven and Hel| fight, over done. Don't do explore to grey between black and white, over done!
    ((edit: you can do these but they are extremely boring))


    The opposite of clishes! Originality is when you do a Naruto/Pokemon RP... with nothing to do with the actual show! (Just to clear it up.. Try to stay away from RPs based off of ANYTHING!! Based off movies, games, books, shows,)


    Not sure how to spell a word? Type it in your word doc, and chech the spelling! Don't have a spell check? Go to , and if you don't want to do that... I have found that RPing with a dictionary at my desk is VERY helpful. You have all the words in the english language RIGHT there, so if you need it, you have it. Also, that way you can check and see if you are using the right word the right way.


    Use it! We speak the english language, you know it's ran, not runned. You know you don't say "He it loves much!", so don't use it in an RP!

    *getting to random things now*


    Only use a templte in an RP if you are just beginning. It sets your character up for you and gets you ready to start. If you are upper middle level and up, you SHOULD NOT be joining in RPs that are using templates. (Ree, that means you. You are a high level RPer and still RPing with low level RPs, using templates! You''ll never get better, or get to be God Level!)

    Also on the topic of templates... If you are a middle level RPer, afarid to take the leap to intros, then in your templates, only include, name, appearance, age, sex, but NOT history and such. "

    Alright she puts it very good but i have my own stuff on how to actually start a role-play and join one, and i'll give an example of a role-play i found on my old forums :

    Ok to start a pole-play you first give a good intro paragrapgh on the plot of the story. then you put a template for people to fill out with their characters. people who want to join then post with their character templates. when the creator of the RP is ready they say start and put their first post to start out the story. if you want to talk about about the story put you words like this ((blah, blah blah)) or OCC: blah, blah, blah, and then ICC: story, story, story. simple enough?

    when you write you first post in the story it should be at least one full paragraph with 5-7 sentances. your later psts when the stroy is moving fast through action may go down to only two sentances or if it gets slow (having only a few players still in it) may be several paragrapgs long. this may also be determined by who your rping with. a newbie does shorter posts usaully than a more advanced role-player.

    Also what some people do is have the same character for each Rp. like a gay guy with blonde hair, they fix for each role play so one with magic powers he can fly, or one with animals he rides a black horse. by the way if you want your RP to have animals instead of people or the peopel to have pets/ccompanions go right ahead, just don't forget to put a template for them!

    ((BTW you can just skim over it to get the idea!!!))

    "The Kingdom of Rashil is riddled with problems of war. Usually, the King would find solutions to these problems, but lately things have begun to come out of hand. With many powerful races still in the lands, the enemies still have a fare share of power as the King's warriors. From ancient or young wizards and witches, to the demons that live in unknown places, to the younger races that were just recently discovered. There are many that could be recruited, but all for war; that is what the Kingdom of Rashil has come to. Rashil was once a peaceful country, filled with smiling faces, and all races kind to one another. Magic was a source of friendship, and care, not a tool used for war. The fields that were spread out across the land were once green and blooming with flowers. Now, it is lavished with ash and is being tainted with the fire of gunpowder. The tall buildings and exceptional designs were that, as some would say, the carvings of the angels, only seen in heaven. Now, they are the creations of Satan himself; cursed upon from the war.

    The once beautiful Kingdom of Rashil was now weakened from the effects of war. Not so weakened as strength, but weakened of state; of mind; of soul.

    There are those who are summoned to the King, Magicians, Witches, Wizards, Demons, all races alike. Those who are bound to the writing of their blood are obligated to face him, and serve him. Those who are not, have the choice to do so, or not to do so. Those who approach him are doomed. The King, corrupted to win this war between the evil of this land, was soon taken himself. His soul, bent on killing, soon became tainted with the curse of a demon that lives on his soul. This is what made the beautiful Kingdom of Rashil become what it is now.

    The King, as well as many others, have souls tainted. As said before, the King, bent out to win the war, was addicted to the plague of killing. As his soul was addicted to such a disgusting curse, his heart became crossed with a demon. Not only can the King have these demons, but also other people and creatures. Surprisingly, there are many demons in each of out hearts, but with a strong feeling of what that demon may feed off of, will it actually curse whomever has it.

    Rashil is in chaos. The war is killing the lands, and also the people. What will we do? What can we do?

    The Creatures of Rashil:

    Humans: Humans; the sole creatures whom multiply like rabbits. One of the most numerous races, the King is also a human, thus giving him his weak heart to surpass the demon that has come over him. Humans are said to be weak because of their gullibility, but then again, very handy with machinery, and make use of their weapons.

    Wizards and Witches: There are many of wizards and witches that live in the land of Rashil. They are usually older, but there are some that have a talent of being called wizards or witches. Though most witches prefer the term sorceress or wizards sorcerer, they are normally seen as such. They have special talents in performing spells, and most of them have a contract with the King, thus are stripped of all power and serve under him.

    Magicians: Only known to be young Wizards and Witches, Magicians have the dream of becoming great Sorcerers. Whether it be under the King or not, they only wish to be the best they can be. They usually serve under Wizards and Witches.

    Demons: One of the more fearful race, Demons are those who can take any form. Whether it be a fire demon, or a simple mouse demon, there are all kinds of demons. Even those that reside in our soul.

    Kesols: Kesols are small creatures, resembling small child like humans. They are usually mistaken as child humans, but soon are stood out from their pale pinkish eyes and long rabbit like ears. They are great jumpers, but are usually seen down upon. Kesols are a younger race just found upon, and there are many of them. They are very helpful creatures, and only wish to make friends.

    Joujis: Joujis are snake like creatures whom have human like appearances besides their cold eyes, like that of a snake, and pale skin. They are usually tall and have a cold personality. Joujis usually shed their skin about twice a year. They are fearful creatures, mostly on the side opposing the king, but some do serve the king. There are little appearances of Joujis.

    Isalids: Isalids are bird like creatures with little human characteristics. They have faces like that of humans, yet, feathers cover their entire body and they hardly seem like they have human appendages, as in arms and legs. Little are known about them, but they are messengers for the King, and are fierce in battle.

    Other: There are still many a creature that live in the Kingdom of Rashil, but not too much is known about them.
    Age: (12-?(anything ))
    Race: (If you are making your own, please, pm me first. )
    Weapon(s ):
    History: *required

    Please don't forget to read other people's Templates.
    Thank you!


    Name: Calintz
    Age: 23
    Gender: Male
    Race: Though Calintz is a wizard, he does have some Jouji and Isalid blood in him.
    Apperance: A handsome young man that stands tall with a slender body. He keeps his slightly long, layered hair tied up, so that it spikes out behind him. His body is well toned, said from all of the work he does to try to maintain the kingdom from the King's wrath. His eyes are beautiful, the left a golden color from his Jouji blood. His right is a brilliant blue from his human mother. Below his left eye is a symbol that resembles a tattoo. It is said that there is a larger tattoo over his back that he draws his power from.
    Image: *tattoo under eye*
    Image: *tattoo on back*
    Personailty: Calintz can have mood swings due to his Isalid blood, but most times, when he isn't acting as if the world has turned on him, he is usually smiling and kind.
    Weapon(s ): Calintz uses a sword called the Muramasa blade. The Muramasa blade is said to be a cursed sword. No one else really knows much about it.
    History: Calintz's past isn't much talked about, only he knows of it though.
    When Calintz was younger, he was a Magician in training, always working hard. His mentor was a famous Wizard that served under the King. Calintz worked hard, mastering his spells, and was said to be his Teacher's best student. Then, the war came to them when Calintz was around 18 years old. Calintz's Teacher had to come to the aid of the King, and thus perished in the King's mighty quest to gain victory over the opposing side. Being a Wizard of oath to the King, Calintz refused to serve under the king. He ran.


    Name: Yuuki
    Age: appears 12, but is actually a lot older
    Gender: female
    Race: half fire-demon and half human, which makes her very impulsive and hard-headed. She's also kinda childish.
    Apperance: A short little girl with blazing red eyes and vibrant red hair, cut short so that she almost looks like a boy. She has pointed ears, claws and fangs and red markings all over her body which she hides with long sleeves and tight red jumpsuit-like outfit. She likes to wear these big bulky brown boots she stole from a human, but she's very clumbsy and is always falling over.
    Personailty: kinda dumb...but what do you expect from a kid? ....well, a kid-like demon..., irrastional and spontaneous. She is usually kinda snooty, but once she warms up to someone, she doesn't want to leave their side.
    Weapon(s ): She uses the element of fire and her claws & teeth
    History: when she was just a little demon, she ran away from home because she didn't understand why everyone was fighting and wanted answers. She doesn't have a side (per se) that she agrees with as she doesn't even know what's going on half the time. she only looks out for herself since she left her home.


    After running, Calintz made his own house, but as most would say, a castle. It was a magnificent piece of art, and it looked over the Kingdom of Rashil. It was protected by spells cast by Calintz himself, and, as some have heard, an ancient Demon that lived in Calintz's castle. He stayed there, and would only come out every so often to see how the Kingdom was doing. But, everytime Calintz came out, he was seeked out by the King's servants: all kinds of creatures and races that served under him. Calintz was fearful and ran still. He stayed in his castle for three years before coming out. By this time, he was 21, and he finally came out and met a beautiful young human girl. He loved her with all his heart, but as the fateful day would come, Calintz saw her killed before his very eyes.

    Ever since that day, he keeps himself inside of his castle, only coming out to momentarily stop the wrath of the King. The King still requires that Calintz come and serve under him, but Calintz refuses. It is said that Calintz, too, has a demon in his soul. A demon of sadness and pain, stopping him from loving anyone again."

    GET THE IDEA YET? ANYONE CAN POST AFTER ME WITH ANY ADDING INFO OR QUESTIONS!!! (!) (!) (!) :thewave: :goodluck: :thumbsup:
  2. Micah

    Full Member

    Feb 8, 2005
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    Melbourne, Australia
    Re: HOW TO POLE-PLAY (so we can start)


    *points to title*

    Yes please :icon_wink

    Just one question: 1 character per person or more? Oh - also, how closely do our characters have to interact with one another? Do they start interacting straight away, or do they come together at a later date?

    Also: (haha 3rd question). Do we need to do the template for all characters in the story, or just the main ones?
  3. xxAngelOnFirexx

    Full Member

    Mar 2, 2007
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    Re: HOW TO POLE-PLAY (so we can start)

    title: oops!! can't fix it now.....

    1: as many as the creator of the post allows

    2:they can start interacting right away or end up meeting. however the rp goes.

    3: yes you need a template for all characters you're personally controlling. i've never seen a roleplay with each person having more than two or three. you can also add characters as the sotry goes on or have more than on person controlling a major character such as 'God' or 'Satan' or like the 'mad scientists' who have captured you all, or the 'bad guy' in general. those people don't need a template as they are univeral or that everyone else int he RP knows/controls them.
  4. xxAngelOnFirexx

    Full Member

    Mar 2, 2007
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  5. Micah

    Full Member

    Feb 8, 2005
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    Melbourne, Australia
    Awesome, well did you want to start one and see how it goes? :slight_smile:
  6. xxAngelOnFirexx

    Full Member

    Mar 2, 2007
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    yes definaletly. i'll start one up. i'll try tonight but it's getting late here... almost midnight... i'll go get sum caffine, i'm not tired yet!!
  7. Not me

    Regular Member

    Aug 13, 2014
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    Well I'm in my late 20s and don't really know what makes me attracted to men and at the same time women, so yeah, I'' let you start
  8. LD579

    Full Member

    Mar 25, 2013
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    Please check posting dates before posting, as this thread and the latest posts are from 7 years back. Thanks! You may make another thread on this topic if you like, but making posts on very old threads is discouraged, to keep newer threads closer to the top of visibility.
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