this bothers me bad... but am i a bad person?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Jerr, Feb 9, 2007.

  1. Jerr

    Full Member

    Jan 4, 2007
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    Hot Springs, Arkansas
    ok my school has done this lets raise money for the kids in africa with aids...

    sounds good right?

    well it pisses me off... so does all these "buy the red stuff and we will donate money to africa!" ...uh do we not have hiv/aids (ima just say one or the other typing both is slowing me down) in the united states?

    our school was talking about giving so we could give meds to help the kids with aids live LONGER... when they live longer they get married... and have kids who have AIDS... but they have aids... so we need to help them with their money/meds problem so they live longer and... HAVE KIDS!!! who have... AIDS...

    i know i know i know... about like 99% of the people are gunna be like wow... this kid needs to stop breathing because he seems to want everyone dead... thats not true... although my views do suggest somewhat that... lol

    i am very blunt about this stuff... i mean yay give them meds if they wont spread it but all we are doing is making them live longer so they end up spreading it and THATS RUDE!!!...

    im not saying people here dont spread it cuz they do... those who dont know they have it... well... getting tested is always good... those who know they have it who knowingly have sex with someone who doesnt have it... whether you tell them or not THAT WRONG... when people are horny... they do things they dont really mean to... i know iv had 3 guys cheat on their g/fs with me because i was horny and so where they... both of our judgements where well yea... if you and your partnet/wife/hubby are going to do the till death do us part thing... then good for you you 2 can w00 all you want

    i just really hate people spreading the plague (a gay hairguy in his 50s who cuts my hair sometimes referred to it as that... when he was talking about how a large chunk of his friends had died)

    i didnt know where to put this cuz it does involve health sence it deals with a virus... but... thats not what i was wanting to say about it... more of the pissed off i get from iti spreading....

    last year (11th grade) i had to take a test to prove i was ok in english (everyone had to score prof or better) it had a question asking us to write a letter to the president on how to improve the United States... well like everyone wrote on Gas prices and the war.... i wrote about making getting tested a manditory thing... basicly i said it should be like paying your taxes... you do it once a year why not do that to... it would inform you of it thus (hopefully) reducing the spread of it but then again there are still stupid people who want to spread it and those who dont care if they get it because aparently to them 1 time sex is worth a possible lifetime of problems...

    another thing that gets me is that damn Herpies comercial... where the man and woman are sitting there the guys like... "i have genital herpies" and the womans like "and i dont" right then i was like well then you shouldnt screw him.... then shes like well i wanna keep it that way... well then the dont screw him thing increased to a dont fuck him... (anger rises choice words are replaced with more colorful words)

    then it uses statistics... that 70% of people who have herpies contracted it when their partner showed no signs.... now re read that...

    can you discover what slightly angerd me...?

    find it?

    well if you havent ill shed light... its the %... 70% had sex with their partner when they had no signs... Good Job! (pray to God they didnt know their partner had it...but they did but ill ignor that) then that leaves the 30%... are these people retarded? i mean im serios... do these people lack proper brain function? WHO... would have sex with someone who is SHOWING SIGNS... of genetal herpies... i mean honistly... some stupid people prolly need to never reproduce... that dna just needs to stop RIGHT THERE...

    gah well i have to go but yea.... thats just a lil bit of what slightly angerd me...

    Am I a bad person for feeling this way? I think im justified. Do you agree/disagree?
  2. Jerr

    Full Member

    Jan 4, 2007
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    Hot Springs, Arkansas
    GAH ok why arnt yall replyn... i know you view it but you dont reply! gah

    sorry it bothers me because i keep thinking it means that you all disagree and wish i would die fo rmy horrid views
  3. tired_of_lying411

    Full Member

    Mar 12, 2006
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    NS, Canada
    I guess there's things I agree with, and things I disagree with...

    Like AIDS help for Africa. They deserve it, just as much as we do. But I have always wondered why the product(RED) campaign was only for Africa... Why not for the whole world?

    And the whole herpes thing seems pretty spot on, I just never really paid any attention to that commercial.. haha

    Perhaps some of your views on the Africa AIDS help is just mis or lack of information? Maybe there's a deeper reason we aren't aware of?

    Nice to know there are people out there that obsess over things like I do, though :slight_smile:

    Oh, and I agree with not reproducing if you have AIDS.. and I don't think anyone would do so on purpose... There's so many other ways to get a child now, there's just no need to. And I think most people get that?
  4. Jerr

    Full Member

    Jan 4, 2007
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    Hot Springs, Arkansas
    people do still have sex even though they have hiv/aids... and i think it is WRONG yea they are like oh well we use a condom

    well if the condom worked in the 1st place would you still have aids? (chances are uh no)

    but yea seriosly... if so many people have hiv/aids... and you MUST have sex with SOMEONE ...find one of them...

    with africa... the school was doing money for meds... the meds would make the kids live longer... and unless those kids take a vow of celebecy or are highly educated on what they have and that they will spred it... i dont want them to hit puberty... harsh i know but i would prefer everyone not get whiped out by hiv/aids... i get a lil pissed off about this stuff

    i dont hate people who have it... i really really dont... i do hate people who spread it
  5. Micah

    Full Member

    Feb 8, 2005
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    Melbourne, Australia
    You only gave it 2 hours :tongue:

    Empty Closets doesn't get *that* much traffic! Haha. I viewed it a few times but just haven't had time to reread it and reply yet.
  6. david nelson

    david nelson Guest

    Feb 4, 2007
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    Saginaw, Mi
    Sexual Orientation:
    AHMEN!! You would be surprised at how many of us agree with you but just don't want to use the energy or time it takes to respond to this kind of stuff, so we just sit there and mutter to ourelves and wait until the next thing comes up..and that, my good friend, is there it all starts all over again...It's like a big chain, break one link and it all falls apart..but who, and where, does that link get broken..
  7. david nelson

    david nelson Guest

    Feb 4, 2007
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    Saginaw, Mi
    Sexual Orientation:
    for shame, and you a moderator...but then again, you are only, like me, 17 years old...I'll forgive you, this time, but thats the end of it...I'm just playing with you Dave.... I think you are doing one hell of a good job...I hope you take this, and the other time I mailed you, the right way..I may be the biggest guy in school, stature wise, and probably the queerest, but by no means the most intelegent or smartest, but I do have commonsense; therefore, I vote you the most intellegent guy my age I have conversed with, yet. OH, before I forget..I was in you beautiful country last year for 3 months, and may I say, the men and boys there are probably the best I will ever MEAT.:kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
  8. Jamie

    Full Member

    Dec 9, 2006
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    Drammen, Norway (from England originally).
    well Dave's 18 :tongue: but close enough I suppose.

    On this whole Aids issue, we have to remember that Africa does have a MUCH MUCH higher rate of aids than anywhere else in the world. Those people have as much right to live as we do and yes with the right drugs they will live longer and unfortunately many of those will go on to reproduce. But within a country so rife with aids, if nobody with the aids virus reproduced then there wouldn't be much of a population at all. And with the life expectancy falling below 33 for the average African then is having aids really going to make such a major difference in an area where malnutrition and poor hygiene are unfortunately every day events. Really all you're doing with the medication is increasing their life expectancy, something that everybody should be allowed.

    Looking in comparrison to more developed countries such as the US, UK, Australia, Germany, etc we do see a need to have medication available for our aids sufferers... but wait a minute, we do. The medication available to Africa (which on the most part is provided by these 'western' countries) is only very very basic whereas people back home are getting the meds they need and of a higher quality. And in places where the life expectancy is usually 80+ then this cannot be a bad thing.

    And as for the people who feel a need to spread AIDs, Herpes, etc willingly. Well they're stupid, their selfish and in the most part those with Aids, deserve to die. Having just handed over a death sentence for somebody else.

  9. GuitarGirl1350

    Full Member

    Apr 26, 2006
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    New Caprica
    Way to go Jamie- I agree with everything you said. I wanted to reply here earlier but was angered so much by Jerr's point of view that I decided not to say something nasty I'd regret. I'm still not to the point where I can- I'll try later.
  10. Jerr

    Full Member

    Jan 4, 2007
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    Hot Springs, Arkansas
    they have a much higher rate because the ones who do have it however short their life may be in comparison they STILL have kids... a good reason for having kids is... well WORK... work those kids!... more kids... more workers! and... more aids! wonderful! im so happy we are helping them live longer and have more plague carriers... i mean... uh... kids... yea... kids...
  11. Jamie

    Full Member

    Dec 9, 2006
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    Drammen, Norway (from England originally).
    To be honest there Jerr you're being very very sinical. You see Aids as something which is quite rare here in the more devloped countries, but for those living in less developed countries such as Africa, it is just another way of life.

    I very much doubt that the majority of the African population reproduce purely to get more workers. I think it's more to do with furthering the family, keeping it going once the parents die and obviously because the maltrition rates are very high in those countries, to have some chance of a further generation surviving.

    OK if there was a way of singling out all the aids sufferers in Africa and stopping them from reproducing then ok, it would stop future generations becoming infected. But aids testing isn't that easy and in Africa it's not the fault of many people that they've become infected, through lack of screening. What are you suggesting, we put a ban on all Africans reproducing? Or just sit back and let them all die earlier? Since without the drugs they will still live to reproduce, their quality of life will just be much reduced.
  12. Jerr

    Full Member

    Jan 4, 2007
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    Hot Springs, Arkansas
    i dont think that... i KNOW we have it and wwe have ALOT of people infected with it...

    to be completely and totaly honist... i nearly wrote a paper about how we should make special camps wheere we keep those with incurable stds and hiv/aids... have them do something productive for the world till they die...

    but then i was like wait... that sounds Hitler like... and isnt my teacher a Jew? or is she just old... i duno either way i dont think she would giggle as i have about the idea...
  13. tired_of_lying411

    Full Member

    Mar 12, 2006
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    NS, Canada
    Whoa... jaded alert!

    Have you ever heard a fellow student throw out a comment like "I think EVERYONE who is gay should be put on an island and left there" ?
    *little do they know we would prevail and create a thriving super-culture :lol: *

    But back to my point. I think you're kind of fast-tracking this a little too much. There's a tremendous amount of depth to subjects like these, and they really need to be examined from all angles. Perhaps your views are not completely educated?

    How would you feel if someone told you that you were going to be fulfilling the rest of your days in a glorified prison, a slave to a community service system? All because of a little slip up, perhaps something you couldn't even control. Isn't living with the condition punishment enough?

    I hardly think people are always out there looking to spread their curse to everyone they meet... And how exactly are you affected by those infected with a virus/disease? If you protect yourself, you are at no more risk than anyone else.

    I don't think there would ever be a way to eliminate any condition by putting all infected parties in these "camps". And why exactly do they deserve this punishment of "doing something productive for the community"? Are you saying that anyone with a sexually transmitted infection has done anything wrong? They deserve to be punished?

    And one last thing... If these individuals were to be placed in camps, in order for them to be productive, they would, in most cases, need to be medicated. and then the whole process becomes pointless.

    Africa deserves the product(RED) campaign. If you don't want to donate to their cause, buy a different colored iPod. :lol:
  14. Jamie

    Full Member

    Dec 9, 2006
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    Drammen, Norway (from England originally).
    I have to say that was a brilliant post Tired... Well done
  15. GuitarGirl1350

    Full Member

    Apr 26, 2006
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    New Caprica
    Ok, Jerr. I have to speak up, I know something's going to come out of my mouth that's going to get me in trouble with the mods but you've got my blood so hot I can't tolerate it.

    "i nearly wrote a paper about how we should make special camps wheere we keep those with incurable stds and hiv/aids... have them do something productive for the world till they die.."

    Okay. We had something like this happen around, oh, say, 1940? In Germany? and Poland? During World War Two? Ringing any bells?
    It was called THE HOLOCAUST and it is regarded as one of the WORST TRAGEDIES in human history. Hitler saw Jews as people who just bred more Jews, which would spread a Jew-plague and decided to work them to death.

    Humans are humans no matter which way you spin it. What if some idiot got into power who believed that Gays would just spread more gayness and decided to put them into camps until they died? Of if he decided that brunettes and redheads were inferior and would just breed more brunette and redheaded children? Or people with green eyes? Or white people? You wouldn't like it so much then, would you? Just because they have AIDS doesn't mean they should be denied their human rights and privileges. They didn't do anything wrong, and in alot cases they didn't even KNOW they were getting AIDS. Africa isn't as advanced as us and they didn't know about it as soon! As someone previously stated, AIDS is the way of life in Africa. It's tragic but that doesn't mean we should kill them.

    You're entitled to your opinion as much as anyone else. Doesn't mean I respect it, because frankly I think that statement was despicable, but whatever.
  16. justjoshoh

    Full Member

    Mar 25, 2005
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    Dayton, OH
    I agree, in principle, with this idea. Though, I believe the government should not mandate testing, rather the health industry (including the insurance companies) should make it a routine part of a health examination. In September 2006, the Center for Disease Control announced that HIV testing should be as common as a cholesterol check. The CDC estimates that about 25% of the people that have HIV know they are sick.

    In the 2002 report, Male Latex Condoms and Sexually Transmitted Diseases, the CDC said when used consistently and correctly, latex condoms are highly effective in preventing the sexual transmission of HIV (during vaginal, oral, or anal intercourse).

    In that same report, CDC laboratory studies show that latex condoms provide an essentially impermeable barrier to the particles the size of HIV and other STI (sexually transmitted infections) pathogens.

    The 1999 CDC report, Condoms and Their Use in Preventing HIV Infection and Other STDs, concludes that several studies clearly show that condom breakage rates in this country are less than two percent. Most of the breakage and slippage is likely due to incorrect use rather than to the condoms' quality.

    It is possible to have sex in a relationship in which one of the partners is HIV positive. In the 1999 CDC report mentioned above, there was a two-year study that concluded, only two-percent of uninfected partners in a HIV+, HIV- relationship who used condoms consistently became infected versus the 12 percent who used condoms inconsistently or not at all.

    Prevention and mitigation of HIV is the best solution that we have at this point. Whereas there are global efforts to raise funds for the African AIDS epidemic, don't feel as if those back home are not taken care of. Take the time to become familiar with your area AIDS Resource Center and see if there is anything that you might do to assist them. I think it would be an eye-opening experience.
  17. Proud1p4

    Proud1p4 Guest

    I agree with tired, and thats all i will say about that save for tired said these matters have alot of depth, i have to know if you are willing to receive that depth or are you going to discard our views and substitute them with your own. In which case this thread is pointless.

    Ok two things:

    1)Just the fact you used the word ALOTand no real statistic means you started this thread out of pure anger and just wanted people to come back at you and tell you you're a bigoted piece of $^*# (i don't think so, just silent observation, it's called an inferiority complex) instead of engaging in factual conversation

    2) Your views are very dangerous. You may not see it, but this is quite literally how world-scale hate crimes start. You spread this kinda of discrimination-encouraging speech out there you will gather many people who share these views (which may or may not be what you want) and before you know it you have a cult ready to exterminate just as Adolf Hitler did. I warn you to watch your you views but mind your temper.

    Obviously the misunderstandings go deeper than i thought. I'm not sure if you realise but it takes and entire family to get a single pale of water in Africa. Thats doesn't mean African adults conceive 10 and 11 children so they can flourish and put them to work. Have you ever heard of the thousands of rebel and maltia groups who pillage villages and rape any women or child they see and if they feel like it, kill them. These women can become involuntarily pregnant with a HIV baby by her own HIV or the assaulters HIV. Getting pregnant is not always voluntary. There is no abortion doctors in Africa, nor are there condoms (save for the rare middle class civilians).


    On the alternative, i spearheaded a World AIDS Day campaign and collected donations payable to the CAS (Canadian AIDS Society), a national organisationwhich most of the funds stay within the country, but promised to match 10% of all donations out of my own pocket and send it to an organisation such as the (RED)campaign.

    The thing is, 'superpower' countries such as the US and CAN should take care of their people because they have the ability. Africa has nowhere near enough goverment power of funds to help its people, their government, even if it took the initiative would only be able to watch helplessly as their funds run dry within the first couple of months. The difference is we can afford to help them, they can't afford to even help themselves, the world runs on money unfortunately and they've been poor for quite a long time.
  18. GuitarGirl1350

    Full Member

    Apr 26, 2006
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    New Caprica
    To quote ticket:
    jesus christ get a grip and start living in the real world.

    My sentiments precisely.
    Except mine involved also telling you to put various objects in several orifices of your body and how to exploit these objects for your own discomfort/how I could exploit these objects for your personal pain.

    and Congrats to those of you who raised money for World AIDS day =]
    renews my faith in humanity after visiting this thread...
  19. Micah

    Full Member

    Feb 8, 2005
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    Melbourne, Australia
    Okie dokie! Some house keeping rules:

    Personal attacks and insults will not be tolerated in this thread or anywhere on Empty Closets. You can express your views or dissatisfaction effectively without demeaning another person for their views. Yes you may disagree, yes you can express that you disagree, but no, you may not attack their character for expressing their views (no matter how wrong you think their views are)

    I've deleted thisisnotaticket's post for the above reason. While he had some good points and opinions, his way of expressing them was less than appropriate. Since I realise a lot of effort went into your post Thisisnotaticket, I'll allow you to repost it, but this time leaving out the unnecessary insults (if you didn't save it in a document you can PM me for a copy).
  20. Micah

    Full Member

    Feb 8, 2005
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    Melbourne, Australia
    Expecting someone who has Aids/HIV or otherwise to never have sex again in their life is unrealistic. Remember that sex is one of the primary ways to display love and affection. It isn't always about "getting your rocks off".

    In western society, using proper safe-sex methods (such as condoms - which have a 99% chance of preventing the spread of viruses) is a perfectly acceptable way for those who are infected to "continue living normally" - yes even have sex.


    Correct - that's 30% of people who saw a sign. That doesn't mean that's 30% who said "Wow he has herpes - oh well!!!". That means that 30% saw a sign, whether they were aware that sign meant herpes or not.

    My guess would be that a large chunk of that 30% saw a symptom of those herpes, but were simply uneducated on what the symptoms of herpes were, so ignored it. Yes, you have the minute number who contract herpes knowing full well their partner has it, but the number is far less than 30%.

    You'll find that many AIDS cases could have been prevented simply through education. The person who contracted the virus simply didn't know what the signs of AIDs were until it was too late. Heck, even I don't know what a lot of the symptoms are (besides the obvious sores on the genitals). But to make up for this I use a condom when I have sex.

    You need to do a little more research on what the money is spent on. Medication to keep the people alive is only one aspect the money goes towards.
      • Medication
      • Education
      • Protection

    Are just some of things the money you donate goes towards.

    The medication isn't just to keep people alive, but medication is also used to minimize the chance that a baby of a HIV infected mother will also have HIV. I believe this reduces the chance by 80-90%. That means, with unlimited funds, 90% of children born would be HIV free. Wouldn't that be amazing? Well then whats the problem? Organisations simply can't afford the medication it takes to save all the babies.

    Education is also really important. Theres a rumour in africa that if you have sex with a virgin, you'll be cured of AIDs. Sounds silly but people actually believe this, thus the spread AIDs is increased dramatically. The funding also allows organisations to send over workers to educate the people on how AIDs is actually spread.

    Protection - Some people who have AIDs don't actually know how they got it...Again it sounds stupid but its true. So aside from educating them on how to avoid giving/receiving AIDs, the money also goes towards providing condoms for the people. Remember that someone has to pay for the condoms, they arent just supplied by the government etc.

    I hope that clears a few things up.

    I'm actually 18 :icon_wink And I'm sorry I didn't reply to this earlier, I've been working hard on assignments.