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Resources on Family, Friends, and Relationships

Discussion in 'Family, Friends, and Relationships' started by EmptyClosets, Mar 10, 2013.

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  1. EmptyClosets

    Admin Team Full Member

    Jan 1, 1970
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    Below is a list of threads in the Family, Friends, and Relationships section that have been deemed helpful or important. Because there are so many, we've put links to them together in one thread, rather than having a bunch of stickies at the top of this section. We will post in this thread every time a thread is added to the list, so you don't need to constantly check for updates; just check the date of the most recent post in this thread. Be sure to check the stickies in other sections of the forum for more useful advice and information.

    If you want to suggest any threads that could be added, please post in Ask The Staff pointing us to the thread you found useful.

    Families in Transition (Resources for parents of trans people)

    Understanding Gender Identity - For Families

    Gay Parents

    Queer Spawn (LGBT parents and caregivers)

    Dealing With Crushes: Tips on how to cope with a crush you may have.

    Looking for a relationship: simpler than you think: Demystifying the process of getting a relationship

    *Updated November 2020
    #1 EmptyClosets, Mar 10, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2021
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