Thread about the instruments you play and things that you like to do related to music. As for me, I play guitar, alto sax, and I also sing. My strongest instrument is guitar, I play mostly classical, but also play jazz for my school jazz band. I'm going to the Aspen Music Festival this summer for guitar, and am also playing in a 40-person teenage guitar ensemble directed by John King in which we are playing for the grand opening our new Minnesota teen theater. I play in a few other ensembles as well. As for the sax I play in my school concert band, pep band, and marching band. And sing in a small chorus containing about 8 people. Now you guys
I'm a trombone player, been playin for the past 5 years now. I've always loved marching band, and I'm in one of my school's 4 concert bands (yea, we have a huge music program), a jazz band, and the pep band. Pep band's so much fun! we practice once on easy fun and popular songs, and then we just play randomly for the football games. The band program in my town is absolutely huge. there are at least 300 kids in band at school (with 4 separate bands, 2 with 120 kids in them), and another 200-250 in orchestra, and probably another 150 in choir. more than anything though, i think i'd rather listen to music.
I play the trombone (also) played throughout middle and high school. Both marching and concert band plus in high school jazz band. Jazz was awsome, just relax and let your hands go to work (as in improvising....or some other way). But concert I think was the best going to all the clinics, festivals...esp. Virgina Bch! Great band trip. I played for 7 years in school, put it down after I got out. But felt that empty void were my horn was. I started back up out here in Germany after 3 years of not playing, and you know what, I still had it. Words I live by: Once a band nerd/geek, always. Justin
yeah our band program is pretty big too. Last year we had around 300+ students, with 4 bands. But this year when the freshman came in (biggest freshman class in the history of our district) they brought in around more than 100 studnets to band. So we had to add another band into our department, making it 5.
holy cow! Half of me wants to ask where that is, but ignore the question. My band teacher was not only from minnesota, but he also went over there for this big jazz clinic he was asked to teach at. my teacher has this nack for telling stories out of the blue during rehersals, and this was no exception. He had gone over there and had a great time teaching the kids. Well, the guy organizing it was an old friend of his, and his group of friends were involved in this joke bust of louis armstrong. It really looks kind of crazy, and i guess everyone wanted it. So it was stolen a few times from each of the friends as a joke. So, on the last day, he sneaks into the guys office and takes the louis bust, asks a few kids to keep the secret, and then took off back here to wisconsin. It was then shown off as a prize in band for a few days. After which it was given to a jazz clinitian we had who was going to take pictures of it and put it up for ransom against the guy. Keep in mind, this is all a joke. But it amazes me that this huge joke of stealing this bust can spead across 2 states, just because of the connection of jazz music.
Music... hrmm... well, I played trumpet in elementary school, trumpet and French horn in middle school, and the trumpet for a year and then baritone for the rest of high school. Yeah, good times. I can also play Mary Had a Little Lamb on guitar and piano (if I can find middle C...) :eusa_danc Yeah, anyway, I'm mostly into listening to music now and going to see the bands that play around U Street in DC... I'm really into the quasi-indie, retro scene... (you know, modern rock with 80s beats and synthesizers... :icon_mrgr ) My top bands (at the moment... they change frequently and they're in no particular order): 1. Pitty Sing - (We saw both their shows and met them and they are sooo cool, just had to say that. Plus, the lead singer's HOT!) 2. The Bravery 3. VHS or Beta 4. Cherry Monroe 5. Alkaline Trio 6. Ted Leo + the Rxs 7. Doves 8. The Arcade Fire 9. Phoenix 10. Radio 4 11. SCISSOR SISTERS 12. Young Dubliners 13. Marion 14. Citizen Cope 15. Dead 60s That's enough for now... lol EDIT: Oh yeah... Plus indie guys are ridiculously hott (and a good portion of them are gay/bi...) hahahaha :lol:
You want music geek, here ya go: I've been in choir and band ever since Middle School, including concert/symphonic band, jazz band, marching and pep band, show choir, jazz choir, concert choir, and made all the prestigious music groups in the state: Honors Choir, All-state choir, Regional Honors Choir, All-state band, Honors Band, All-state jazz band, and in college I made all the top ensembles as a freshman: Concert Choir, Jazz Ensemble I, Symphonic Band, and the funny thing is, is that I'm not even a music major, I'm a music minor, but I'm a biology major! I find it funny anyway...either way, I LOVE performing, whether it's singing or playing the bari saxophone! I felt like gloating a little, sorry! I just got back from our first city Municipal Band rehearsal so I was feeling a little pumped cause playing always puts me in a good mood! And ya know, you'd think I listen to bands and choirs but I really don't, I hardly know my music groups, I just like performing...
I didn't they had honors band anywhere else. We had one that spread over 6 countys. But I enjoy a good music concert (sometimes) depending on whos playing.
Pardon my language in this post: This is kinda related to this thread, but I went with a bunch of friends to go see Erasure's sold-out final concert here in DC... and it was fucking AWESOME! Especially since the singer for the group (really, it's just two guys, one sings, one does keyboards/electronica) is gay and a lot of the songs are gay-themed and they're really prominent in the GLBTQ community. Anyway, it's also Capital Pride Week here in DC (w00t! You know what that means... gay concert on Tuesday, nothing tonight, gay clubbing on thursday, queer night at a local indie club on friday, gay foam party on saturday and then the parade on sunday... not sure if I'll go to that tho, I'd almost feel like a hypocrite since I'm only out to my friends and I'm not really all "gay pride-esque" but I guess I'm better than I was a year ago, when I was extremely closeted. Haha. Yeah, anyway, the concert was amazing and it was really like being at a gay club b/c it's like the entire GLBTQ community came to seem them. (DC was one of three places where they had two shows, the others being NYC and SF haha yayeah!) But this was the last show, and at the end of the night Capital Pride (our local GLBTQ community center/organization) presented them with a lifetime achievement award and stuff for their work and music and it was really cool. It was so amazing and a lot of the people that were there were in their 30s (this group is from the early 80s, just in case you don't know) and I really didn't feel quite "worthy" being at the concert because it's such a huge Pride Week event and there were so many people who had been listening to them forever (who I'm sure couldn't get tickets) and I had only started to listen to them... oh well. :lol: Minor not cool moment tho: Ok, so this witch behind me starts pouring water on me and my friends so I turn around and ask her what her fuckin' problem is and she says, "Shut up and mind your own business, fagboy." Okay, had I not had a good amount of vodka and Sex on the Beach shots in me, I prolly would've ignored her but instead I come back at her with a sharp reply and said, "Fuck you, you fat-ass dyke. Go back to whatever fuckin' hick trailerpark you pulled yourself out of, bitch." :eusa_danc And then the bouncers came and took her away (I guess they saw her pour the water on us). But other than that. It was incredible. Just thought I'd share! Lyrics from one of my favorite songs, "Hideaway" (aka the "coming out" song, which I think is appropriate for this board :lol: ): One day the boy decided To let them know the way he felt inside He could not stand to hide it His mother she broke down and cried Oh my father Why don't you talk to me now? Oh my mother Do you still cry yourself to sleep? Are you still proud of your little boy? Don't be afraid... You don't have to hide away! The boy he was rejected By the people that he cared for It's not what they expected But he could not keep it secret anymore Far from home now Waiting by the telephone There's a new world You can make it on your own! Are you still proud of your little boy? Don't be afraid! You don't have to hide away! (Don't be afraid Love will mend your broken wing Time will slip away Learn to be brave...) Oh my father Why don't you talk to me now? Oh my mother Do you still cry yourself to sleep? Are you still proud of your little boy... If you don't know Erasure's music, download/buy some tracks. I can't believe that anybody wouldn't like it. :lol: -CK
Hmmm, I play the drums, bass guitar, and I pretend to be able to play the electric guitar . But I've ALWAYS played the drums, or found things to drum on for as long as I can remember. I played the drums in all the middleschool bands, got a little tired of that since you don't have much of a chance to "express" in that environment playing the drums. Now I just rockout in my basement with friends, or whoever feels like it.
That's even hotter, I sing and play saxophone... what part do you sing, tenor, baritone, or bass? I sing tenor and proud!